There’s so much I want to share with you all, but there’s lots still under wraps for the time being! I’m working hard on new patterns though.
In the meanwhile…more Wool-eater? Are you sick of this yet?
I laid out the squares I had completed, just to get a sense of how many I will need total for a full-size blanket.
The answer is…a lot. Maybe 3 times as many as I have? Each square is 7.25″ right now, and I’ll be adding another border round to each to tie it all together. Crazy colours, right? I also whipped up a BIG wool-eater square, out of some teal Cascade 220, for the front of a cushion cover.
It’s 12″ wide. I need to figure out how I’m going to do the rest of the cover – I’m thinking maybe just some nice grey wool in a plainer stitch for the back.
In case you missed it, the link to the pattern! Wool-eater.
I also finished up a pair of nice bright green socks – the yarn is Socks that Rock, but I appear to have misplaced the label when I tossed this ball into my sock yarn bin.
2.25 mm needles, 64 sts, plain and basic. What with all the projects I have on the needles that I have to think about, it’s really lovely to have a pair of plain socks on the go as well, for a break!
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