Happy Equinox!

This weekend we spent some time cleaning out the garden a bit – too bad a dying garden isn’t very photogenic! We harvested lots of green tomatoes and carrots, and cut down the dead plants. The herbs and beans are still going okay, so they’re left in for now.


green tomatoes

Do I need to peel the cherry tomatoes if I want to make some chutney or relish out of them? Because that would be super tedious.

I joined the sleeves to the yoke of my Candlewick sweater, knit about half the yoke, then realized I screwed it up. Ah, well. It’s all fixed up now.

candlewick yoke

I had some time in the car to knit as well, so I brought this brown cardigan along. It’s not getting much attention right now, but I’m sure it’s going to be one that I wear a lot! The yarn is really soft and smooth, it’s lovely to knit with.

field cardigan

I’ve also added some new skeins to my tiny handspun yarn shop!. This one is a really squishy Polwarth, dyed by Woolgatherings on Etsy. Check out my handspun page for more!


Lastly, some exciting links to share! Robin Hunter interviewed me for her blog last month, and it’s just gone up.

Patternfish has also made me the Designer of the Month, and I’m so honoured! You can read their September newsletter here.



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2 responses to “Happy Equinox!”

  1. Sue Avatar

    Applause! Applause! Applause!Congratulations on your interview and Designer of they Year Award! So excited for you : ) XO

  2. jeanne Avatar

    You don’t have to peel the tomatoes; their skins aren’t tough. You might want to google “green tomato and grape pie” – my mom made that when I was little and my dad’s tomato plants were done for the season. Delicious!

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