Category: spinning

  • Extreme Cold

    Extreme Cold

    Okay it’s not THAT cold compared to basically anywhere else in Canada, but it’s cold for us! And it’s certainly colder and snowier than it was last winter. I’ve been hibernating as usual, and knitting loads of things I can’t share here! But I do want to share a few newer patterns that might help […]

  • back to the wheel

    So many of my projects need to be kept under wraps for now, but I did finally pull out the spinning wheel for the first time since we moved. I want to do some weaving with handspun, so I’m trying to remember how to spin thicker! This is a bag of odds and ends from […]

  • new skeins

    I forgot to share my purchases from Verb in Oakland! One of the “reasons” I “had” to buy stuff was to pay Denny for her excellent sample knitting. She got some fancy yarn… And some fancy fabric! Khadi cotton and cotton grown by Sally Fox! I’m pretty sure Denny’s already knit and sewn up all […]