Now that term’s over (no school for five whole days! and then only 5 hours of lecture per week!) I’ve finally got time for a proper update…and time to start lots of new projects.
First up: a Chickami, out of Southwest Trading Company Bamboo in “Chocolate”, which is SO not chocolate. It’s working up a bit harsh, but I’ve hoping a wash will help with that.
I’ve also started a little ankle sock, out of Fortissima Cotton Colori, bought off Elann a while back.
I ended up having to rip back the first time because it was too big, but it’s coming along nicely now! Anyway, today I hope to a) knit a few swatches for the class I’m teaching Sunday (on fixing mistakes), b) weave in the ends on “no stripes go round” and maybe steam it a bit, and c) work on sideways spencer.
Next up, in spinning – I finished up the blue merino/silk and got a total of about 250 yards of bulky.
And what’s this?
Why, it’s a pile of Fleece Artist merino roving, to tide me over until my big fibre order comes in!
Stay cool!
p.s. I finished the skirt for my sister, but no pictures for a while because she took it on the family vacation (I get to stay home and knit!).
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