Month: March 2010

  • a little something

    Something missing from this cardigan on the needles? A second sleeve? I really want to finish this cardigan soon – I think it could see a lot of wear this spring. Just a little sort of shrunken thing, out of Koigu. The second sleeve is almost done, then it’s yoke time, baby!

  • knitting along

    I’ve been at my parents’ house the last few days, house-sitting and cooking for my teenaged sister until my parents come back from their vacation (in Hawaii). Enjoying watching television while knitting on the couch – something that doesn’t happen in my apartment since I don’t have a tv! Not much to show, unfortunately. I’ve […]

  • a quick FO

    In dire need of something that didn’t require thinking and would be off the needles in a few short days, I went back to an oldie and knit up a Milkweed Shawl! This one will live at lettuce knit – it’s knit from just 2 skeins of Koigu KPPPM, although I did have to bind […]