knitting along

I’ve been at my parents’ house the last few days, house-sitting and cooking for my teenaged sister until my parents come back from their vacation (in Hawaii). Enjoying watching television while knitting on the couch – something that doesn’t happen in my apartment since I don’t have a tv!

Not much to show, unfortunately. I’ve had to rip and reknit a large section of this new project I’ve been working on, but I think I’m back on track now. It’s reversible lace! More correctly, lace that looks great (but not the same) on both sides. I’m very excited about it.

YIP: March 16

Oh, and before I forget – Pavlov’s Dogs has a gig again tomorrow night! If you’re in Toronto and need a bit of a Wednesday night pick-me-up, check us (and lots of other awesome performers) out at the Rivoli for my friend Bella’s Burlesque Birthday Bash! Facebook page is here, and tickets are $10. Hope to see you there!



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3 responses to “knitting along”

  1. ritsuka Avatar

    That color is really gorgeous! I can’t wait to see the finished product.

  2. Mildawg Avatar

    I’m sorry about the ripping. But that yarn looks like a dream to work with!

  3. knittingoutloud Avatar

    Lovely color! Yes, tv in small doses is fun.

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