Category: Accessories

  • sunny start to spring

    sunny start to spring

    It’s the equinox, so spring is just around the corner! This being Canada though, I hear we might get some more snow before it’s truly warm. But the sun’s been out, and I got some seeds from West Coast Seeds, so things are moving in the right direction. I’d better get some seedlings going – […]

  • Extreme Cold

    Extreme Cold

    Okay it’s not THAT cold compared to basically anywhere else in Canada, but it’s cold for us! And it’s certainly colder and snowier than it was last winter. I’ve been hibernating as usual, and knitting loads of things I can’t share here! But I do want to share a few newer patterns that might help […]

  • New Pattern: Ingersoll

    Hello November! The knitting from my last post has grown up into a full-fledged pattern now available on Ravelry: Ingersoll. Ingersoll is a top down elongated triangular shawl or bandana cowl in an intuitive stockinette lace pattern. The cowl is perfect for that special skein you’ve been saving, or pair it with a contrast colour […]