Month: February 2005

  • sticktoitiveness

    You know, I was dreaming of spring, of fast, light, cotton knits. Thinking about what I can do with the lovely cottons I’ve got. Wondering how to construct a top out of the Aurora like the one that I’ve got in my mind…along with a skirt to match. Then old man winter rears his head […]

  • new kid steps up

    Ok, the new Magknits is up, and you what? It’s got some AWESOME patterns! I haven’t really liked much up until now (except Donna from the last issue) but nothin’ but a shirt by Alison is just perfect. And Cold Shoulder by the oh-so-talented Stefanie is fabulous. This makes my Calmer want much stronger. So […]

  • where is spring?

    Both of the Retro-Prep sleeves are finito. I’m just working on the last few inches of the body, then I’ll put allllll those stitches onto one needle and do the yoke. Getting closer! The Canada Post truck came today (Sunday – weird) and dropped off my package of cotton yarns from Elann. First up, some […]