I’ve been working on the Cabled Cardigan (#19) from Vogue’s fall 2006 issue, and while it’s going to be a great sweater there’ve been a few problems with the pattern. Somewhat minor ones, but still – irritating.
I’m making the smallest size, and for the sleeve it says to increase every 10th row 72 times. Obviously that’s a mistake! It should read inc every 10th row 6 times. The other sizes look fine.
The other problem I’ve had is with the right front. Up top is the left front, before I ripped it down to the ribbing (I’d made a mistake in the cables *and* forgot to start the neck shaping). It’s now done – quick knits rock! I started the right front yesterday during “heroes” (love that show). The chart for the right front has an error in row 13; the 5-st RC should be a 5-st LC to make it symmetrical to the left side.
I sent that first sleeve correction to Vogue when I encountered it (more than a few weeks ago) and they haven’t updated the errata. There’s also more corrections with the collar, here.
I could forgive a typo or two. But so many? Gah!
How about a happy spinning shot?
I’ve been working on new skeins and will have them up in the shop soon, probably tonight.
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