In a comment to my last post, grumperina said this:
It’s remarkable that your Lorna’s Laces socks always stripe so nicely! I wonder how you do it?!?
Well….I don’t. Here’s what you didn’t see in that last picture of the knee socks:
See those big green blobs? Yep, pooling. Fortunately, it only occurred during a short period in which I had, let’s see…between 84 and 68 stitches, at a gauge of 8 stitches per inch. So there ya go. Other than that, I’ve just been lucky!
As you can see, I’ve gotten farther along on the second sock – I’m just past the heel. After all that leg, 7.5 inches of stockinette on 60 stitches should go pretty darn quick, methinks.
And for those that were wondering what pattern I’m using – it’s my own, customized to fit my, er, generous calves. I could have made them smaller at the top, too (I subtracted 20% from my measurements) but I’m going to find some elastic to put in them there cuffs.
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