purple cables

It’s the perfect time of year for cables! They’re so fun to knit, too.

cabley socks

Thick, squishy warm socks out of Dream in Color Classy, in Purple Rain.

cabley goodness!

With the leftovers from the socks, I whipped up an earband this week – I just LOVE those cables, and this should hold me over until I make a new hat! Not that it’s actually been cold out or anything, it’s supposed to go up to 6C tomorrow.

Patterns for both the socks and earband are mine, and will be published soon.



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8 responses to “purple cables”

  1. Erin Kate Avatar

    Those are gorgeous! Squishy seems like the perfect word for it.

  2. Mel Avatar

    Oooooh, I’m excited for that earband pattern’s release. It’s absolutely lovely.

  3. Alicia Avatar

    That earband is great! Love the cables.

  4. Allison Avatar

    I love the purple rain color- it’s gorgeous!

  5. Maryse Avatar

    Nice! These cables are gorgeous and I think they look great in both the socks and earband!

  6. Michelle Moses Avatar

    It must be the time of year- I just cast on for a chunky cable sweater. And I don’t normally use a ton of cables!

  7. Brandi Avatar

    I love the cables and the color.

  8. Helena Avatar

    I’m looking forward to the sock pattern!

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