oh, hello

Not so much knitting and spinning stuff the last few days, because I went to the Canada Day fireworks and other good stuff. But….

The main body of Sideways Spencer is blocking! So now all I have to do is…figure out what I’m doing, and do the ribbing, collar, and buttonbands.

And, well, the Fleece Artist rovings are roving no more.

The skein on the left was 3 thingys (bundles?) of roving, done up into 190 yards of worsted/heavy worsted 2-ply. I wish I’d plied tighter, but I’m not going to do anything drastic like try to undo it or anything. I’m VERY happy with the second skein – it’s a single bundle of roving, now 60 yards (plus another few) of worsted 2-ply. The little teeny skein on the far right was the result of an accident during plying. Whoops! Obviously, that didn’t hold me – I may need to purchase something more to spin tomorrow!

Coming soon – an FO or two!



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2 responses to “oh, hello”

  1. Deb Avatar

    Your Sideways Spencer looks beautiful. I’d almost forgotten about that pattern! It looks lovely.

  2. Jen M Avatar
    Jen M

    Beautiful color you chose for the Sideways Spencer – it really shows off the stitch pattern. I look forward to seeing the FO!

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