I am soooooo jealous seeing people’s hauls from MDSW! Why oh why didn’t I ask Rachel H to pick me up at least some merino top on the cheap, now that I’m out of things to dye?!
I did just get an email back from RHLindsay saying that it would cost $35 US to ship 15 pounds of merino (priced at $9.50 US/pound) here, and the same amount to ship a full bump (about 30 pounds)!
They have free shipping in the States on a full bump, so to Canada they charge whatever’s above what they would pay UPS to ship within the states – so it comes out about the same. Of course, there’d also be taxes to pay on top of that but…maybe I could get them to put the value down as less than what it actually is, so I’d pay less taxes.
Hmmm. Anyone in town here need some merino, around $16-17 canadian per pound?
Or…any Americans driving up to visit Toronto in a few months (it takes them awhile to send out a full bump order) that’d be willing to be a merino mule carrier?
Oy. Self, stop thinking about merino. Study, dammit.
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