(Paris, view from Sacre-Coeur)
It’s my very last day in Europe, and I haven’t left Ysolda’s flat all day! It was nice, though, homey and such. And since we’re both headed out tomorrow, we could spend time packing without rushing. I vacuum-packed my clothes and yarn into the bottom of my suitcase, packed most everything else (except my like, pjs and wash bag) and I think I’ll get everything in there no problem. Getting the suitcase down the circular staircase on my own might be a bit tricky though!
We ended up getting pretty cheap tickets on a flight from Paris to Edinburgh – booked them Thursday night for a flight on Friday afternoon! It turned out to be way easier than taking the train anyway, and we got in around 7pm. Thank goodness Ysolda’s mom watches the news and rang us up to let us know – otherwise we would’ve just gone to the train station and been stuck!
Saturday morning we headed out to the Edinburgh farmer’s market for lots of goodies for dinner-making, plus I got a little bag of border tablet for my Scottish food souvenir – one certainly doesn’t need more than wee bit of that super-sweet stuff! ysolda blogged about our lovely dinner (with photos, which I couldn’t take because my hands were covered in pasta dough!).
So my European jaunt has come to an end (or close enough anyway). I had really great fun, especially in Paris! I think the sunshine had a lot to do with that! I did have a few feeling sick or homesick points, but overall it’s been a fantastic trip. I’ve got tons of photos, yarn and other souvenirs (more on that when I get back home!) and I had a great time going around with ys and experiencing Europe for the first time.
I’ll be back.
And psst – Teach Yourself Visually Sock Knitting (by yours truly) is now available on Amazon!
Join me for a book launch celebration at lettuce knit in Toronto on the evening of Wednesday the 24th of September!
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