
31.365 - I should be on a plane right now.

My flight out tonight to Edinburgh was delayed by SIX HOURS, form 8 pm to 2 am! So instead of being on a plane, I’m at home in my pjs still (headed out to the airport around eleven). Could be worse – I could be stuck in the airport!

Good things: at least I found out before I went to the airport; I get to eat dinner at home, and I’ll definitely sleep on the plane! It does look like there aren’t any other flights departing from the airport between 12:30 and six am, though, which is a bit…creepy? I guess my airplane activities will be used mostly in the waiting area (seeing as how I’ll be sleeping on the plane).

Things left to do tonight – eat, make a sandwich for the plane (in case the food sucks really bad or I’m super hungry or something), pack computer, notebook and pen, other random little stuff, get dressed, leave.

Are airport shops open that late? Hrmm.

Have I mentioned that I don’t like flying, this is the longest flight I’ll have ever taken, and that I’ve never flown at night?

But I’ll be in Edinburgh tomorrow! I’ll be blogging and 365-ing from everywhere, so stay tuned!






19 responses to “grrrr”

  1. moiraeknittoo Avatar

    Have fun and safe journey! I look forward to reading your posts from the road. :D

  2. Patricia Fontes Avatar

    Have a safe trip! Are you taking some knitting? I am used to fly, especially during at night. I lived 3 years in the US, and every 4-6months I headed back home (super home sick!)
    Enjoy your trip! All the best,

  3. terri Avatar

    Bon Voyage! Sorry to hear about the delay, but (as you say) at least you didn’t have to kill ALL that time at the airport. Have fun!

  4. Shannon Avatar

    Have a great trip! That’s great that you can bring a sandwich on the plane. The security dudes always make me dump anything edible before they let me through, and then I’m forced to buy food on the other side of the security gates if I want to eat on the plane! (It really is a rip-off, they charge A LOT for food on “the other side!” Good luck!

  5. Alice from france Avatar

    Don’t worry for the flight! I wish you a great trip in Edinburgh!!! Say hello to Ysolda for us!!

  6. Jo Avatar

    I hope you brought an extra book – I learned that the hard way (plane delayed, finished my book in airport, had nothing to read on plane) so I always bring an extra book now. You can’t trust the airport store will have something you actually want to read.

  7. Debbie Avatar

    I can’t wait to see Scotland! Take lots of pictures. Safe travels.

  8. cici Avatar

    have a great flight.. We will be state tuned:D

  9. Jessi Avatar

    scotland is extremely awesome… have lots of fun! take many ridiculously scenic pictures!

  10. Erin Avatar

    Oh man, I am so envious. Edinburgh is awesome. (We went last summer.) I look forward to seeing your 365 photos (and any others you want to share! :). Also, though it is super touristy, I highly recommend the highlands bus tour day trip thing, if you get a chance.

  11. Juliana Avatar

    Enjoy Edinburgh! It is an awesome place and you will find some real nice people, I really loved to live there.

  12. julia Avatar

    Hope your flight went smoothly. Can’t wait to see what trouble you girls will get into!

  13. Sarah Avatar

    Flying at night is way better than during the day. Everyone is quiet and sleeping and kids tend to be tired enough to avoid loud noises and kicking.

    Have a safe flight!

  14. Rita Avatar

    Have a great vacation, you certainly deserve it. I am going to start the top down cardi that you have on your website, the one with the many colors. I am facing shoulder surgery this fall, and want to get started so that when I am healed, I can just continue with it. Thanks for that beautiful pattern. You are one fine knitter/ designer.I will check in with you during your trip, happy flying, and good luck, Rita

  15. Carol Avatar

    Yes, the delay sucks but you’ll have a wonderful time! Night flights are the best. You wake up rested and ready to go. Bon voyage!

  16. Cassy Avatar

    At least you found out before getting to the airport. Have a safe trip and hope you have lots of fun at iknit.

  17. Cobbalicious Avatar

    Safe travels, and say hello to the sheep of Scotland for us back here in N. America.

  18. elise Avatar

    i didn’t realize you were coming to the UK, how cool! i’ve heard only great things about edinburgh, though haven’t made it quite there myself yet.
    have a lovely stay. looks like it’s going to be a tad on the cool and rainy side the next few days…

  19. TracyKM Avatar

    Were you able to take that sandwich on the plane? I hate the possibility of getting hungry somewhere with no food, but I thought you couldn’t take food on planes anymore; you had to buy it in the restricted areas and it sucks.
    I probably would never have thought to check before leaving the house to see if the flight is on time!

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