
Andrea was kind enough to start a Ravelry group for my designs!

While I’m away (T minus 10 days and counting…eeeeek!) I might be a little slow on the email, so it would be super if you guys ask the group if you have questions about any of my patterns.

Meanwhile, I’ve been watching lots of Dexter and knitting frantically trying to get my Lucy done in time for the trip (along with some other accessories…we’ll see!).

Except for the other day, when we went to get our shots – Hep A and Typhoid immunizations. Ow. Sore arm.

158.365 - bandaids are sexy, right?

I’ll be back with actual content!



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15 responses to “cool!”

  1. Alice from france Avatar

    Have a really nice trip Laura!! Y

  2. Jennifer Avatar

    Ooh – that’s great. I just joined the Ravelry group. What a nice thing to do. Hope you have a great trip and that your arm isn’t too sore for too long.

  3. Seanna Lea Avatar

    That’s a great picture! Your trip sounds like a blast, and I’m looking forward to all of your pictures!

  4. Bruxa Avatar

    Oooww…. don’t you feel butterflies in the stomach?! I would, if I was only 10 days away from such an exciting trip!!

    I would be scared and excited, anxious and happy, all the same time… Hope you have a wonderful trip Laura! Please take tons of pictures to show us when you come back and make us die of envy ;)

    Meanwhile I’ll join the Rav. group because I love your patterns and have a few of them in my immediate queue! :)

    Regards from Spain!

  5. Nell Avatar

    Travel safe!

  6. jae Avatar

    hi laura,
    long time, hey? i’m hoping you can remember the name of the website where we got the template for my blog…
    thanks so much!

  7. Lee Ann Avatar

    Is that a new haircut? You look supercute, despite the battlescar :-)

  8. Lauren Avatar

    I just finished the first season of Dexter … I swear in those last few episodes my tension was much tighter!

  9. mai Avatar

    you’re going to have a blast on your trip! how long are you gone?

  10. sil Avatar

    Yay! How exciting. You’ll have a super time. How could you not. Take lots of pictures.

    Traveller tip #1: don’t forget to bring an empty nalgene type water bottle to fill up after security, so you can drink lots of water during the flights.

  11. sari Avatar

    i had a hep shot the other day too, its a sucky one.
    your hair is very cute in this picture.
    i hope you have a fantastic trip!

  12. Mae Avatar

    Ugh, I have to get typhoid this week for my trip to Guatemala! UGH!

  13. Trine Avatar

    I remember when we moved to Africa when I was young – I can’t count how many shots we had to have, and we had to eat a small pill every day for a month leading up to our departure. I HATE pills, so just this was torture (I had them mashed into my morning yoghurt) but we also had to take a giant (seemed like thumb-size to me) pill. My brother just swallowed it, but it took me hours, a lot of crying and bribing with chocolate, before I swallowed mine. Ngah.

    I hope you have a great trip, Laura! :) I especially look forward to the pictures. You certainly deserve a trip like this – I hope I get to go on a similar trip one day.

  14. Julia Avatar

    Sassy picture! If you MUST be immunized, THAT is the way to do it!

  15. Валерий Avatar

    За статью сенкс, все по делу, достаточно много кто это применяет

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