
Whew. I just wrote a test that’s been hanging over my head since before Christmas! Now I feel like I have time to knit and spin and all those good things…before I need to seriously get back into new term work. D’oh.

On the weekend though, while I was studying, I also managed to dye up a bunch of roving:

The colours are a bit washed out here, but you get the idea – I did two pounds and a quarter in 4 oz lots. I’m trying to make a dent in my massive merino stash so I can order more wool sometime ;) I want to do some bigger dyelots as well, but not until I actually have a project (and therefore amount of wool needed) in mind. These are just for something different from all the skinny white stuff I’ve been spinning! No picture at the moment, but I’m spinning up skinny (laceweight to fingering) merino to do a three-ply for a sweater-type project. 1.5 bobbins into the first batch, and it’s taken me awhile because I don’t have much time fore spinning! I should make a point of doing it more.

Anyway, knitting – I’ve been working on Nordic Memories. I’m done both sleeves, am up to the armhole shaping of the back, and am done the ribbing of the front (not pictured, as I just knit that today).

Thank you all for your lovely comments on my shawl!



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2 responses to “breather”

  1. Chris Avatar

    Oh, that roving looks very fun! Enjoy the breather. :)

  2. Theresa Avatar

    I like your colors better than the originals. And again, I love IK!

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