always take notes

So you don’t need to do what I had to do to figure out what I did on this sock.

The second vera knee sock is finally underway, and moving pretty quickly. I hope to finish them this week, plus at least one other project from the WIP list.

For those that wondered – the merino roving was from R.H. Lindsay. If you order a full bump (which I did) you get free shipping within the US – lucky you, I had to go through a whole roundabout thing to get it here without horrible taxes and shipping charges.







3 responses to “always take notes”

  1. handknit168 Avatar

    Wa! U love dye the yarn , I read some bloggers love to dye yarn also. pls read my blog and my web shop

  2. Jenna Avatar

    Haha, the same thing just happened to me with a second sock. When I was knitting the first, I said to myself, “Meh, I’ll remember what I did, I don’t have to write anything down.” I managed to figure out my calf decreases and row count pretty easily, but now I’m on the second toe and I can’t remember how I spaced the decreases. Ugh! Making these without a pattern, however, was quite liberating. I just need to learn to do two socks at once, I think. Two sleeves at once would be useful too, I think!

  3. wanda Avatar

    I love your Cavern Cardigan. I need your advice. I have 3 skeins of Cascade yarn (660 yards) with a gauge of 18 stitches per 4 inches. I usually knit sweaters for myself at 32 inches because I am small. Do you think that I will have enough yarn to make a Cavern Cardigan for myself?

    Thank you. I love reading your blog!!!

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