all i want for christmas

Yummmmm. I am in serious love with this yarn – The Fibre Co. Terra. It’s merino, alpaca and silk and has just the MOST AMAZING COLOURS EVER. Seriously. They’re very deep and complex, and look overdyed or something.

Anyway, I’m knitting up the grownup bonnet from Knit 2 Together (it’s a bonnet attached to a scarf) because I need something to cover my head and look pretty stupid in most hats (plus I almost always wear a ponytail, especially in winter). Oh, and yes, I know about Calorimetry. I should make one of those soon.

Of course, since it’s ridiculously warm here – okay, maybe not ridiculously, it’s still freezing at night – I don’t have THAT much of an urgent need for these things, nor the *cough* large number of sweaters I have on the needles. And yet I still keep casting on, and wanting to start new project, etc…

I’m aiming to have the grey cabled cardi from Vogue (it’s Fall 2006 for those wondering) done up for christmas. And maybe sew up a silk skirt out of some dupioni that I bought a little while ago. The cream bell-sleeve jacket is going swimmingly too – I got a good chunk of the back done at the lettuce knit party, and it’s just really fun knitting. I think my plain knitting is going a bit slower because it’s a bit boring…but I love stockinette! It should be going faster!

On the sweet front, I tried making some carob balls (carob, coconut, almond, milk, stevia) and….eh. They’re okay. Pretty rich tasting so it kind of kills the craving, but I’m not sure I like carob. Next up is to make some almond-type cookies and maybe try to find a rice flour shortbread recipe. I’m still thinking about how to best adapt a coconut cheesecake recipe that I found in a magazine – it doesn’t have much sugar in the filling (it’s a no-bake) so I could just sweeten it with stevia; it doesn’t have eggs; I could use an almond-meal crust.

Hope it’s warm and comfortable where you are, filled with laughter and wool! I’ll be around the next while, but I know some of you won’t be, so – happy holidays!



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8 responses to “all i want for christmas”

  1. Deb Avatar

    Yummy yarn… gotta get me some of that. And I agree about the carob, never liked it.
    My favorite no-flour (baked) crust for cheesecakes is to smear butter on the pan then smoosh in lots of coarsely ground pecans. When the cheesecake is baked the pecans get all toasty and crunchy. I made a sugar-free lo-carb cheesecake a couple of years ago and the crust got rave reviews.
    Try this blog for good stuff — — she had a cookie recipe a few days ago that looked scrumptious, and lots of links.

  2. Elinor Avatar

    You should check out the book Sinfully Vegan. It’s a desert cookbook that doesn’t use dairy or eggs. I’ve never had a bad experience with it.

  3. Lorraine Avatar

    Maybe the yarn is blended from fibres of different dyed shades? That will give a heathery tone that can’t be achieved by dyeing the yarn. Anyway it looks yuminski. Happy holidays to you too! :-)

  4. Michael Avatar

    I believe that the shortbread biscuit recipe in The Joy of Cooking can be used with rice flour substituted and it should work out fine.

  5. hpny knits Avatar

    great shot. I have some The Fibre Co. Terra in the stash and have been saving it for that “just little something special” (who knows what that will be?) can’t wait to see the FO here!
    no pressure….

  6. Carrie Avatar

    ooh, I’ve been wanting to knit that grey Vogue sweater! I can’t wait to see yours.

    Good luck with the food stuff! and happy holidays!

  7. sarah Avatar

    I’m guessing I live near you- I got to All About Yarn in Columbia, too. I HATE this winter! It’s way too warm and I have to make up excuses to wear hats.

  8. sarah Avatar

    Eh, I totally got confused on that! But still- the whole “utterly weak winter” thing holds. It was 64 degrees here in Maryland today- the day before Christmas. And you’re in CANADA! That’s even worse. You’re completely getting ripped off.

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