Argh. I’ve got loads of fun new stuff to show you, and a dozen dead batteries with an AWOL charger. So just a quick lowdown on what’s been going on round these parts, and I promise I shall return with photos shortly…
I’m almost done the applied i-cord edging on the Rowanspun jacket. It’s doing something kind of funny – when I picked up the stitches from the RS edge of the jacket, the icord rolled to the WS. When I picked up from the WS, the icord stayed on the WS! I suppose it’s no matter, since I’m going to be attaching some fasteners anyway, but still it’s irritating.
VBC is..well, sitting around a lot. But I’m nearly done the smaller of the two fronts then it’s on to the most fun piece – the one with the lace and cable. I need to locate some buttons/beads for it, too.
Mostly I’ve been busy knitting Titbits and other commissioned stuff. That’s excellent, of course (yay income from knitting) but certainly takes time away from my selfish, selfish knitting!
I actually got the merino from RH Lindsay remarkably fast; last time it took 2 months to get it shipped and this time it was at my house in less than 3 weeks! Unfortunately I wasn’t home when it came, and my sister had to pay the (not-so-nice) postman $50 in taxes. D’oh. (Of course I paid her back + a brokerage fee.) It’s lovely of course, and 8 pounds of it are already with, or on their way to, a couple of people. Denny and I will split the rest.
What irks me about it is that I ordered 27 pounds (the size of a full bump as specified on their website) and was shipped 30.2 pounds. That’s fine but…they charged me for it, too. So I got more than I ordered and have to pay more than I expected. It’s not that I can’t use it or anything but…what about people who say, have only a set amount of money to spend? I’m sure that they wouldn’t appreciate being charged more without even a confirmation email.
Anyway, I haven’t spun any of that up yet, but I’ve been doing up some lovely wool/silk and some merino left from the *last* time. I’ve got baskets full of spinning to do! I hope to have some new yarns up for sale on etsy soon.
other stuff:
– The new issue of the Spin-Off came into the store and was gone just as fast! I bought a copy and sold two at my spindling class – sorry Denny, Steph and Mel – I guess you’ll have to wait till Megan reorders! It’s a really, really good issue.
– In the mail today: loads of fabric from Cia’s Palette (I already want to order more fabric from her but I’ll try to restrain myself until I get some sewing done!). Cia was really nice and let me know when two of the fabrics in the fat quarter pack I ordered weren’t in stock – she shipped the rest and the others will follow once they’re back in stock.
– I had ordered the Denyse Schmidt fat quarter pack (under “Designer fabrics”). Also in the mail today – Denyse Schmidt Quilts! Yay. Let’s quilt it up.
Ooookay. I think that’s enough for now. Pictures soon, I promise – I think my sister’s located the battery charger!
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