Last night I met up with Jill and Johanna at Fabricland, where they each came away with two fabrics to make skirts! After some dinner and wine, we got down to some sewing and this is what they came away with at the end of the night:
(Jill on the left, Johanna on the right.) I don’t know if you can see, but Johanna’s has various woodland animals on it – raccoons, bears, moose (or is it elk? maybe deer…) and the like – it’s awesome. Jill’s geometric print looks great on her, too! I’m happy they came out so great!
This morning I received an impossibly small box containing the fibre I ordered off eBay (seller: wind4934):
Or should I say, most of the fibre. He’d forgotten to put in one pound of corriedale (bringing the total up to 2). Plus, I had to pay taxes, which sucked (it was $15!). Anyway, we got it all sorted out and he’s shipping me the rest of the fibre and hopefully will check the “gift” box this time!
Even though I bought a bunch of supplies (funnel, squeeze bottles, tape, wooden spoons) for dyeing, I’m still not completely outfitted – I need an apron, gloves, and a big measuring cup, which I’ll pick up today. Then hopefully I can mix up my stock solutions outside tonight and do some dyeing tomorrow! Maybe even tonight, if I’m up to it and it’s not raining…
Oh, one more thing – I went to the library yesterday (to pick up my hold copy of “Mindscan”, the new book by Robert J. Sawyer, one of my fav authors) and picked up a whole bunch of knitting/spinning/dyeing books. That dyer’s companion is intense – I hadn’t thought about dye stock solutions and such until now, really.
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