Month: February 2008
eye on the prize
You know what the problem is with having so many projects on the go? It’s really easy to not finish anything. But I’m determined to get some of the sweaters I’ve got going done soon…so I cast on for some new ones! That sounds like a good rule, no new sweaters until I finish the […]
sunny Monday
Y’know, I actually quite like Mondays, working from home. I can sleep in a little, get into productive mode after a weekend of relaxing or whatever (I worked pretty hard this weekend, now that I think about it) and get a lot done at a pretty leisurely pace. Of course, maybe that’s just the perk […]
by popular demand!
Wow! Quite a few people have asked for my homemade paneer and mattar paneer recipes after checking out my Flickr photostream (all is back to normal, of course). So without further ado – Homemade Paneer Okay, so this is THE easiest cheese ever. For those who aren’t familiar with it, paneer is an Indian fresh […]