Month: June 2006
I took my wheel down to the store today, and left it there because I also picked up my new bike! Obviously I couldn’t handle getting both home on the subway, so the wheel stayed there. I took the wheel down for SnB, and had some lovely fun spinning down at the store. Got through […]
something’s wrong here…
So – a while ago Denny gave me the plying head from her old Lendrum (which she doesn’t have anymore). I went and ordered a jumbo bobbin from Gemini Fibres, along with a regular size bobbin (it’s walnut rather than maple, because that’s what they had). Check it out – regular on the left, jumbo […]
on edge
Vacation is so close I can nearly taste it – too bad for the exam coming up on Monday! It’s going to take everything I’ve got to keep thinking about Darwin, Lyell and Cuvier. I’ve taken every term of school since I started university, including full summers, so I deserve a break! Meanwhile – the […]