Month: August 2005

  • oooh, pretty

    A milestone – I finally wound some of my handspun into a ball! This was some of the “early collection”, all done on my drop spindle. It’s really quite underplied, but the colours are GORGEOUS. I adore the knitted fabric, and hey, at least it’s balanced. This was my first time knitting with my handspun! […]

  • stuff

    Not feeling particularly creative right now, but here’s the lowdown on recent happenings… The Snap Cardi – almost done, just need to do the collar and some sewing. Problem – I don’t know if I’ll have enough yarn. Living on the edge, that. I’ve finally returned to the go with the flow socks, which are […]

  • booooooring

    I know I’ve been pretty quiet lately – the knitting’s not all that exciting, and I haven’t been home much! When I am, it’s sleepy time. I did manage to finish the secret project in time (eucalan-ing right now!) so there’ll be pictures tomorrow. Not that it’s all that exciting a project, but it’s really […]