Month: March 2005

  • seaming is believing

    The Lotech sweat is allllmost done! I’ve done up all the raglan seams, and I think I’ll do the sleeve and side seams tonight as well – then I need to do the front bands and the collar. I think I’m going to put in a zipper, and do a simple rolled collar. Aaaaand, the […]

  • hyperness

    I’ve been awfully hyper today. And I haven’t taken anything, or even had a coffee, honest. :) Maybe it was saying I was going to finish an assignment tonight (due Wednesday) and actually finishing it! Yippee! Ahem. I’m really, really close to being done the red and black sweater. I’ve got about 5 inches to […]

  • knitty thoughts

    Is it odd that I think about knitting pretty much ALL THE TIME? I mean, seriously, it’s kind of ridiculous…I suppose that’s why I’ve got this blog, to have somewhere to put down my knitty thoughts, hm? I’ve started working on items for the Dulaan Project, and I made a hat last night in less […]