yeah, my photos kinda suck

So hard to capture those reds, you know? Plus it’s all tweedy and confuses my camera. I went back to find the photo I took of the Rowanspun yarn when I got it back in December –

That’s pretty accurate on my monitor. Deep burgundy-red, with flecks of orange and bright red. Kind of purpley. I haven’t moved at all on finishing that jacket, but I think I’ve decided to take the timid route and go all one colour. Soon, soon.

I am so sleepy from all the running around I’ve been doing. Coming soon – socks. Maybe even another almost-sweater.







4 responses to “yeah, my photos kinda suck”

  1. Gina Avatar

    Poor Rowanspun! It seems that none of the yarns in that line photograph well. Oh, but what a pleasant surprise to see them in person.

  2. krista Avatar

    hey, i have two skeins of this yarn- can I make socks out of it?

  3. quenna Avatar

    That is a great color!

  4. Dipsy D. Avatar

    Wow, such a beautiful color, so warm and calm! Looking forward to seeing your socks and the almost-sweater – happy knitting!

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