with the promise of more doughnuts to come

Oy. The days, they pass, and I don’t get nearly enough done. A quick update on things…no photos today.

Well. Have I mentioned that the week following Rhinebeck I have three midterms and a project due? Yeah. Gotta get on that. School’s freaking me out, man. Seriously.

I left the wheel at the store this week, and probably will do the same this upcoming week – I’ve been teaching wheel classes, and it’s not so fun to be hauling the Lendrum around on the TTC – even with the case and everything. It’s good to have removed a distraction, but I still need to spin up a colour or two for my Rhinebeck sweater! The green I dyed isn’t quite turning out how I wanted, so I’m not sure how it’ll compliment the other colours I’ve done. I’m definitely going to be spinning up some mustard yellow though, hopefully next Wednesday and Thursday.

I’m almost done the body on the Rhinebeck sweater (up to the armholes), then it’s onto the sleeves. I’ve been working on figuring out what colourwork to do, but I really need to break out the pencil crayons and graph paper. It’s going really well though, and I think the sleeves will go fast. Yay handspun.

I’m up to the heel on a purple Trekking sock, so it’s almost (as soon as I get some sunlight) short row tutorial time. I promise.

Other Current Knitting:
– Lucy II
– 2 pairs of socks (handspun and Trekking)
– black alpaca sweater (booooring)
– grey cabled cardi from Vogue – two sleeves done, cast on for the back…I really need this sweater to wear!

Oh, I want to knit so many nice things. Alas…the time, I must learn how to bend it. I’ll be back soon. With pictures!







7 responses to “with the promise of more doughnuts to come”

  1. laura b Avatar

    With all the knitting you get done on top of going to school and working, I was under the impression that you’d been successfully bending time for a while now!

  2. Kat Avatar

    Hi Laura! I know what you mean about so many things to knit. I am in the middle of picking out my next knitting projects myself. I know I am way late on this but congrats on your published pattern at knitty! I plan on knitting one for this spring. I’ll be sure to send you a pic when its done.

  3. Julia Avatar

    Good for you! It sounds like you’re meeting all your goals! It’s so cool you’re knitting your own Rhinebeck sweater afterall. good luck on those midterms, hearing things like that make me glad I’m out of college, though sometimes I feel like I miss it (craziness).

  4. Ruslana Avatar

    I know how you feel. And when I’m under a lot of stress in a short period of time, like your midterm period, I just take a deep breath and say that this will be over soon..and just go through it. Things get done..maybe not the best way..but then it is really over.
    And I really enjoy school..but the worst part about it is that it has no shame in eating up your FREE time as much as it wants. Why can’t school be more like a job? 9-5? and then FREE time…

  5. dennymcmillan Avatar

    I think I want a new sweater for the Rhinebeck. Is that to crazy. The one from Nature knitting, knit out of the brushed Alpaca.? The sweater that goes windy up the army,(knit in blue in the book)
    It is steaked, it would be my first steaking, and is so not a “Dale” sweater.

  6. dennymcmillan Avatar

    I’m am so not doing the laundry right now.

  7. Vanessa Avatar

    I will be in Rhinebeck also. I live about 1 hr away from there and have a list of things to purchase. I would love to meet you – just say hello.
    Thanks for the tutorial. I have always had a hard time with short rows. I will be printing this and using it.

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