treeline striped cardigan

Catch up time! I’m so busy I can hardly catch my breath…tomorrow, I am staying home the entire. day. Of course, I have piles of work to do, but I can’t wait.

treeline stripe

I started this one…I guess it would two weeks ago, now – the Friday I left for Rhinebeck, I cast on while waiting for my train at Union. This is what I had by the end of the weekend – nearly the entire lower body done.

It’s based on the treeline striped cardigan from the purl bee, but the numbers are all my own doing. And shaping, lots of shaping.

Yarn is Shelridge Farm W4, in chocolate brown (overexposed, unretouched photo), kidsilk haze in Villain, and the blue yarn from this sad sweater. Okay, I know everyone said to make it a vest, but it certainly wasn’t going to fit, plus…not really into vests. I mean, my arms kind of get colder faster.

Anyway, I haven’t actually ripped the cabled part – the blue yarn I’m using is from the sleeves, which were already ripped. I love, love, love how this is working up, and it’s been fairly quick too.

treeline stripe sleeve

One sleeve down, as well. It’s actually kind of amazing how much slower the knitting goes when you have to wrangle two yarns! I mean, it’s not like stranded colourwork where you’re wrangling, but magically it’s faster because it’s pretty. This way is pretty, but sooooo slow. Still, I’m hoping to have this one to wear soonish – I’ve been wearing the same couple sweaters over and over the last little while.

In the meantime – I worked out most of the numbers for the wrappy number in the last post, since so many of you sounded so eager for the pattern! If I can get some decent photos, the whole shebang should be ready for sale next week.

That is, if I have any time to work on it!



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7 responses to “treeline striped cardigan”

  1. Jane Avatar

    Wow, that’s gorgeous – I really love it! I hadn’t seen that pattern on the Purlbee before… yours is working up beautifully. Knit faster, I want to see more! :)

  2. Right Out Loud Avatar

    Yes! I can’t wait for the “wrappy number” to go on sale! It’s beautiful and I loved it.

  3. denny Avatar

    Maybe it could be done in time for Christmas?

    Oh wait, it IS Christmas. Shut up, is to, I went to the mall.
    Malls don”t lie.

    Hi RachelH.

  4. Samantha Avatar

    I keep coming to your blog so I thought I’d say hi :) I love the things you knit! LOVE LOVE LOVE them. Keep up the stylish handy work

  5. Spirit Knit Avatar

    Bravo for the original model. Beautiful wool. I love it!Thank you for your generosity.

  6. gina.b. Avatar

    Pretty colors of striping…I can’t wait to get the pattern and start knitting that Noro wrap number (love the name)! You are one productive knitter!

  7. Debra Avatar

    I love the way the colors are working together. Nice!

    Do you just let the yarn rest that you aren’t using at the time? You don’t constantly break it do you? (I’m new, can you tell ;o)


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