
No pictures, but the archives should work for all browsers now – I added a .html extension, and it works for me in Safari, Firefox, and IE. Be sure to reload to get the new links; they should end in _archive.html. Sorry to anyone who had tried to get to them and couldn’t!

I’ve been working on Clapotis all day, and OH MY GOODNESS she’s GORGEOUS! I love the dropped stitches and the silk yarn, it works up really quickly, and I don’t even need a row counter for the straight sections. She may be the most beautiful thing I’ve knit so far.

Taking stock of the time left this winter, here are my plans for the big projects (before it gets too warm to wear the woolies).
– finish the Must Have
Mariah, in Elann peruvian wool
– a cardie or jacket with the Elann highland chunky I ordered today
– and various small projects.

Must get back to Clapotis, she is oh so addictive! I think I’ll be making another one out of wool or cotton or something!






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