So. Adele has tagged me. I considered pulling a Rachael and not doing it but…here I am.
1.) Total amount of music files on your computer:
I’ve got 3.42 GB in my iTunes, more in my iPod – I put stuff on my iPod and then delete it from the computer.
2.) The last CD you bought was:
I really can’t remember, I haven’t bought a CD in a really long time. For Christmas I received the new Green Day, Gwen Stefani, Blink-182, and Big Shiny Tunes 9.
3.) What is the song you last listened to before reading this message?
Ummm. I think it was “under pressure” by queen, on the radio.
4.) What are your five favorite songs and why they mean the most to you:
Who says favourite means the most to you? I’ve got lots of songs that mean a lot but aren’t my favourites… Anyway.
Green Day – Wake Me Up When September Ends
Alexisonfire – Accidents
Ben Folds – Annie Waits
Blink-182 – Go
Coldplay – Green Eyes
5). What 3 people are you going to pass this baton to and why?
No one, I think.
On to a bit of knitting news. I’m rather tired, so this could be a bit disjointed. I finished the first sleeve of the Urban Aran, and the Highland Chunky feels really nice knit up, especially in ribbing. I also managed to snap off the end of one of my US 6 Denise needles, so Retro-Prep is on hold for a week or so until I get a needle replacement. I’m working on the neverending upper leg (above the calf increases) portion of the tall socks, but I’ve switched to a 16″ circ so things should go pretty quickly.
I’m feeling kind of overwhelmed at the amount of projects I’ve got going now, so I’m going to set a list of goals for this weekend. It’s the only way I feel in control and it also forces me to be productive!
– finish at least 1 tall sock
– do 1 sleeve of the top-down cardi
edit, saturday:
– weave in ends on vest and block
– OBB (secret project)
The list is short because I’ve got some serious schoolin’ to do!
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