I’M DONE!!! HOORAY!! (I may not have passed, but let’s just not think about that till January.)
Mini-charlotte is done, too!
Colours are wayy off today, but I’m being lazy and just taking quick shots on my desk (which no long has school work on it!) Here’s a closeup of the beads I used on the edge:
I ended up only using 2 packs (60 beads) – I had bought four. I’ll probably just hang onto them rather than returning them, though; they’re pretty. I wanted to do a Eucalan soak, but I don’t think I have time – I’m going to have to just pin it out and spray it, later tonight when I get home. Would spraying it with a Eucalan solution help at all, do you think?
The Koigu glove continues…
And now I’ve got to run, because I need to get dressed and all for work and for going OUT tonight! Wow, out. Haven’t been there in awhile.
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