random thursday

sock of randomness

Despite all the other knitting I’ve got to finish, I cast on for some plain socks. I really needed something I could just knit and not think about! Socks That Rock Lightweight in a “Steph Dyes” colourway – the product of steph in the dye studio.


I’ve been doing piles of editing, with my favourite red pen.

ugly but delicious

I made blueberry cup-pies (you know, like cupcakes) on Monday for Pi Approximation Day. I decided to make them when I had only 2 hours in which to do it, but I managed to pull it off! They’re quite ugly and my crust sealing could use some work, but they were delicious. I really must get a proper rolling pin, though. (Recipe? I used a standard all-butter crust recipe, and frozen blueberries tossed with a little sugar, cornstarch and lemon juice. Bake at 425F for 15 min, then turn down to 350F until they’re done – about 15-20 minutes.)

Aaaaaand on this Random Thursday, I have a contest for you all!

mal twist

Leave a comment on this post with something that makes you happy – anything! Signs of spring, your favourite yarn, food, book…

I’ll pick 10 winners at random to win a copy of The Map Collection, and one of those people will win 2 skeins of Malabrigo Twist in Damask Rose – perfect for the smaller Signal Hill Scarf!

Comments will close on Sunday, March 20 at 11.59 EDT, and I’ll announce the winners next week before my trip to NYC!




407 responses to “random thursday”

  1. Kate Lang Avatar

    The thing that can make me happy the fastest is a sock on the needles, a cat on my lap, a puppy on my feet, and something good on TV. The husband in his chair is icing. :)

  2. Veronica K Avatar
    Veronica K

    Baking something for my family makes me truly happy. I really adore being in the kitchen. Nearly as much as knitting!

  3. Steph N Avatar
    Steph N

    Flowering quince and the fact that, from behind, my fluffy kitty looks like he’s wearing pantaloons.

  4. Vanessa Avatar

    My 2 little boys (3.5 yr, 9 months) make me happy!

  5. Kelly Avatar

    Making things (any things) makes me happy, whether it’s me making things or watching my fiancé make things. And now a majority of our projects are for our upcoming wedding, which makes me very excited!

  6. Rebekkah Avatar

    Little baby kicks from inside my belly. :-D

  7. Laura Avatar

    Today it is all the people wearing green on the train ride into work, spring can’t be far behind now!

  8. Elizabeth Avatar

    I’m happy today because I’ve finished assembling all our tax documents. Yay! And the new season maple syrup is out at our local market. Double yay!

  9. Silvia Avatar

    My upcoming trip to Portugal to see my family is making me quite happy. Can’t wait!

  10. Katie Avatar

    I really needed something to help me feel happy today and that just happens to be the start of the NCAA tournament!

  11. Kate Avatar

    Crocuses are up in the garden around the corner. All but one are creamy butter yellow. The odd guy is almost white.

  12. Beverly Avatar

    Riding my bike outside makes me happy, as does watching for signs of my peonies pushing through the ground!

  13. Julia Zahle Avatar

    It is more a combination of things rather than a specific thing. Or more a series of things, that starts with me sleeping in, a day with my familiy and an evening with me buried in yarns and an audiobook while my husband watches football on the telly. Mixed with sushi, sunshine and bare feet – and I´ll be happy all day!

    But if I had to choose one thing, it would be listening to an audiobook read by an skilled reader. I spend most of my day speaking with many people, and I like to enjoy a little quiet-time where I do not have to anything than to listen – and that I can do while cleaning, doing the dishes, laundry or knitting.

  14. Tamara Paetkau Avatar

    Yarn in the mail!

  15. LisaB Avatar

    Happy is a few minutes of sunshine breaking through our cloudcover and making me warm at my desk!

  16. Elizabeth Avatar

    Spring in all things is making me happy.

  17. Adele Avatar

    Sitting relaxed and with a purring pussycat on my lap and listening to some Gershwin makes me feel happy,

  18. Heidi Avatar

    Hmmm… this week I am going to have to say the thing that makes me happiest has been realizing that at those moments in my life when I am feeling SO insecure about things, all I have to do is to take a deep breath and remember that everything is going to be fine, and that I need to trust in myself and those around me.

  19. Jenny W Avatar
    Jenny W

    I will be really happy when I am done with my master thesis! Though knitting is a great procrastination tool.

  20. Shelly M Avatar
    Shelly M

    Happy things… seeing the first flower of spring, warm-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookies with the chips still soft, and squeezing new yarn.

  21. Christina Avatar

    Wow. What a great giveaway. What makes me happy is change. I just love it (in whatever form it comes in)!

  22. Grace Avatar

    I love The Map Collection! Perfect for the spring! Such an awesome giveaway :-D

  23. Emily Avatar

    It’s got to be a new project on the needles, really. Or deliveries of new knitting goodies. Or maybe both, on a sunny day!

  24. Ivana Avatar

    Thoughts of summer – that’s what’s making me happy right now :)

  25. Emily H. Avatar
    Emily H.

    New magazines that come in the mail!

  26. kelly-ann (on ravelry) Avatar
    kelly-ann (on ravelry)

    I love coming home to a meal cooked in the slow cooker – the smell just hits you when you open the door and you realize that dinner is already cooked. Tonight it is corned beef :)

  27. Naomi Avatar

    finishing a knitted sweater makes me happy!

  28. barefoot rooster Avatar

    being able to open my windows and let the first breeze of spring inside.

  29. Cheryl Avatar

    What is making me happy right now??? The sun is actually shining, the temp is above zero, and the snow is melting!!! I love winter, but I am ready for it to be over!!!

  30. Rhonda Avatar

    What makes me happy is that first day in March when the sun is shining and that hint of spring in the air and I can sit outside comfortably and KNIT.

  31. Mags Avatar

    My dissertation proposal being approved. I’ll admit I danced through the hallway after I walked out of the Prof’s office.

  32. Nicole Avatar

    Big bear hugs.

  33. Pacasha Avatar

    My daughter running into my bedroom with her leprechaun catcher to see if she had one- then snuggling. That made me totally happy today!

    (and I love reading everyone else’s ‘happies’!)

  34. YuLian Avatar

    What makes me happy is getting a design all set and released! Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. Glana Ricci Avatar
    Glana Ricci

    Hi Laura! Okay? What makes me happy to see someone happy!

  36. Cory Ellen Avatar

    Things that make me happy: getting things in the mail, unpinning a freshly blocked piece of lace, and the first day of sunshine after a long winter.

  37. Jessica Avatar

    I love happy hours with friends on patios and rooftops!

  38. Jeanne Avatar

    Warmer temperatures and melting snow.

  39. Manon Avatar

    I feel happy when I first hear the woodpecker at work in the garden, because I know Spring is just around the corner!

  40. Michelle Moses Avatar
    Michelle Moses

    I’m in college and can’t have my car on campus so today I got a ride to my favorite smoothie shop. It was like a taste of summer!

  41. JuliaP Avatar

    It makes me happy to see the birds and squirrels playing in our back yard; welcome back, spring!

  42. RobinJ Avatar

    I am so happy I finished my striped green socks in time to wear them today! Ooh, self-striping sock yarns make me happy.

  43. Christine Avatar

    It makes me happy to see the flowers coming up in my garden.

  44. Anna G. Avatar

    A good cup of very nice darjeeling tea makes me happy.

  45. Sarah Avatar

    Making faces at babies makes me happy.

  46. Caitlin Avatar

    We had a lovely sunny day with warm temps today (in New Hampshire), which made me very happy. The wee baby sweater I’m working on is also making me happy. Thanks for the giveaway!

  47. Diana Avatar

    Hearing my son giggle makes me happy. A cup of tea makes me happy. An evening in front of the tv with my knitting — happy!

  48. inansa Avatar

    Sunshine after a long and cold winter makes me most happy right now. There’s still heaps of snow but spring is definitely coming!

    Also, knitting my first cashmere sweater in a perfect shade of red. :)

  49. Annie W. Avatar
    Annie W.

    After being cooped up in my house all winter, walking to the neighborhood deli in beautiful sunshine and 65 degree weather was absolute heaven. I walked as slow as I could just to make it last!

  50. Kristin Fitzgerald Avatar
    Kristin Fitzgerald

    Sitting on the beach, watching my kids playing in the waves, the smell of spring, and laughter that comes from deep in your belly all make me happy!

    kristinfitzgerald on Ravelry

  51. Kate Avatar

    My coworkers make me happy. I work in a busy clinic with some of the hardest working and funniest nurses, which make the work so much easier. I feel really lucky.

  52. Vicki Avatar

    Jelly Beans!

  53. Maya Moonie Avatar

    Today I was struck by the fact that my spring cleaning is almost done! The cleaning certainly doesn’t make me happy, but the end result most definitely will!
    Thanks for hosting a giveaway :)

  54. Sherri Avatar

    Happiness is webcam with my granddaughter and daughter!

  55. gunter Avatar

    today it was sea glass, bean sprouts and a little tortoiseshell cat…

  56. rebecca Avatar

    Yarn… yarn makes me v happy!!!! My cats make me happy too. And having good friends indeed makes me happy.

  57. Leah Avatar

    Lots of things make me happy. Right now, I’m excited about daffodils blooming outside.

  58. Hilary Avatar

    Generally, this time of year I’d say the smell of spring in the air makes me happy, but right now what’s making me the happiest is knowing that my baby could be born any day! (My bet is Saturday with the full moon).

    Also, cup-pies…brilliant! Thanks for the awesome idea.

  59. Jennifer Avatar

    I just made blueberry cobbler from the last of last summer’s berries. Love blueberries! And, this gorgeous, sunny day has made me very happy. Hooray for Spring!

  60. Shawna T. Avatar
    Shawna T.

    Happiness is: A peaceful day at work, a playful cat, new crafting goodies, and sunshine in Canada in March!

  61. Melanie Avatar

    One of my favourite things is people watching during nicer weather. Love grabbing a coffee and walking around a neighbourhood people watching in between window shopping.

  62. Lauren Avatar

    Ooh, I love that gorgeous pink! Knitting always makes me happy, but that’s not unique to this crowd. I can often feel tension and frustration almost literally melt away as I pick up the needles.

  63. Jodi Avatar

    Oh, those mini pies look delicious, and they’re very cute!

    Opening up my windows for some fresh air made me VERY happy today. As do the yellow cupcakes in the oven right now. :-)

  64. melanie Avatar

    My 3 kids make me happy, but my youngest laughs like the Pillsbury dough boy. It’s the best!

  65. Chanel Avatar

    snow melting make me happy because spring is right around the corner..sooo happy for some warmer weather.

  66. Erin Avatar

    It’s a small thing, but what makes me happy right now is the A I just got on a Neurobiology midterm.

  67. Heather Avatar

    The snow drops that I found when the snow pile finally melted today!

  68. Tracy Avatar

    Singing songs with my little boys makes me happiest!

  69. Andrea Avatar

    A day like today (68 degrees and sunny!!!!) after a LONG winter. Now that makes me happy.

  70. Erin Avatar

    When I can identify a song on the radio. Bonus points if it’s classical and I’ve studied/performed it!

  71. Mimi Avatar

    The sound of my children’s laughter (even though they are big now) never fails to make me happy.

    Thank you for the chance to win a prize!

    Happy Spring.

  72. caitlin Avatar

    Snuggling with my dog. :) And anything chocolate.

  73. Cheryl21 Avatar

    What made me happy today was getting my weekly quiz done for a course I am working through right now!

    The longer days of sunshine are also making me happy right now :)

  74. thao Avatar

    the promise of an upcoming trip, lazy saturdays, sunny skies all make me happy.

  75. Marina Avatar

    the fact that it is 66 degrees today in rochester, ny!

  76. Katinka Avatar

    I spotted crocuses on Monday — that made me happy!

  77. Emilie Avatar

    I’ve just received the news, I’ll go to Los Angeles soon !! I love travelling and I’ve never been there. I’m happy !!

  78. alwayserin Avatar

    I love that when you walk up to my front door, the scent of the nearby hyacinths engulfs you.

  79. Diane Avatar

    Since today St.Patrick’s day I have to say that potatoes made anyway make me happy.

  80. Tracy A. Avatar
    Tracy A.

    What is making me happy today? Weather nice enough to leave the windows open all day!

  81. Connie Avatar

    Today the thing that made me happy was a Shamrock Shake. The memory of it may just continue to make me happy through the weekend.

  82. Elise Avatar

    My favorite go-to sandwich just made me very happy – Tj’s tuscan pane, rosemary ham and a laughing cow cheese wedge. If I get fancy I put some spinach in it too.

  83. Natalie B Avatar
    Natalie B

    A day like today makes me happy! Mowed the lawn this morning, visited with my dad, and now I’m making banana bread! What could be better!

  84. Laura Smith Avatar

    Am I the only one who loves clean, clear countertops in the kitchen? I love when everything is put away and tidy. Bliss.

  85. JoannaCos Avatar

    Snowdrops and crocuses and narcissus, OH MY! Happy Spring! :)

  86. Kamigaeru Avatar

    Things that make me happy? Besides the obvious (yarn, knitting, reading, skydiving) — now that spring is approaching, it makes me smile to no end to see turtles sunning themselves on a log! Too cute, taking in the rays with necks outstretched and squinting against the bright light.

  87. Eunice Avatar

    My sister is almost back to normal after a stroke. I am happy and so thankful.

  88. Jill B. Avatar

    Desserts make me happy! And I bet cup-pies would too!

  89. Sarah V. Avatar
    Sarah V.

    My cat just turned a year old! She is lovely and makes me happy every day.

  90. devon Avatar

    right now it’s knitting on my lap, f. scott fitzgerald on my desk, and acapella love songs floating up to me from the street below.

    (and i have not mentioned this before [i don’t think i’ve commented before!] but i love love LOVE the map collection. well done.)

  91. Jocelyn Avatar

    Right now being able to run outside is making me happy :) Bring on spring!

  92. Katie Avatar

    Tulips are coming up!

  93. Ellen Z. Avatar
    Ellen Z.

    Clementines on sale this week make me happy.

  94. Miriam Avatar

    I am happy knowing that I have just 61 more days to work before a glorious summer off to knit and read. :)

  95. Michele K Avatar
    Michele K

    See the bluebirds return in the spring makes me very happy!

  96. Vicky Avatar

    The thing that is making me most happy right now is that I’m meeting the bf in 3 hours to go and see Rango :)
    The thing that makes me second most happy is that my half-marathon-induced swollen foot has gone down enough for me to wear *both* shoes today :)

  97. Julianna Avatar

    Hi Laura,

    Well… something that makes me happy is when wonderful bloggers generously decide to give away gorgeous yarn and beautiful patterns.

    Thank you!!

  98. Joan Avatar

    A warm day after a long winter. Driving with the sunroof open, windows open, radio on with great music!

  99. Aditi Avatar

    Sitting in the sun and knitting at the playground today; after a long cold snowy winter, it finally is beginning to feel like spring!

  100. Melissa Avatar

    Thanks for having a giveaway! The return of sunshine and longer days is really making me happy. :)

  101. Samantha Avatar

    Waking up without an alarm. Playing just the right song on the way to the subway — the ones that puts a hop in my step. Definitely signs of a spring. Fresh, warm, chewy cookies. I could go on!

  102. Julia Avatar

    Right now the thing making me happiest is our no-longer clogged bathtub drain! Having a shower that works properly feels like such a luxury, after months of frustration.

  103. Robyn Avatar

    Spring! Tulips peeking up through the soil and how warm we think the weather is when it is 10C out!!

  104. Preita Avatar

    My spring chickens make me rediculously happy!

  105. Sheena Avatar

    Songs with cowbell in them make me happy!

  106. Karen Avatar

    A big sloppy kiss from my almost 1 year old boy! A full night’s sleep makes me really happy too :)

  107. Allyson Avatar

    Catching a glimpse of the ocean as I head down the hill on the way home never fails to bring a smile to my face.

  108. Yvonne Avatar

    In the midst of a Manitoba spring – potholes, mud & melting snow – buying lovely green superfine alpaca yarn today makes be a happy camper!

  109. Kristen Avatar

    mint chocolate chip ice cream ;D

  110. Ayana Avatar

    My William. I’m always happiest in the times we share together.

  111. Lynda Avatar

    First walk in the spring with little ladies (grandkids)followed by a few hours of knitting and watching them play.

  112. Erica Avatar

    Gosh, so many things – different things at different times. I’ve had a REALLY hectic couple of weeks (not done with it yet), and today looking at the 4 or 5 pink camellias blooming in my yard definitely added to my “happy”. A really big one lately has been seeing & hearing my daughters get along better than they have in a long time. It feels so good to hear them in the other room, playing together despite their age difference (they’re 12 1/2 and just turned 10 today).

  113. Julie La Salle Avatar
    Julie La Salle

    The book I received on Tuesday: Fearless Fair Isle. I can’t wait to knit something for my daughter Sophie.

  114. Cilla Ann Avatar

    Water droplets on spring buds at sunrise

  115. Shayla McConnell Avatar
    Shayla McConnell

    Ohh currently, the thing that makes me the happiest is sitting with my two dogs, the porch door open and knitting or spinning while watching a video podcast or listening to an audiobook.

    I love the stitch definition on your socks! I need to get some STR.

  116. SuzieQ Avatar

    My almost-15-year-old puppy has the bounciest gait and the happiest smile and the reactions of people he passes always fills me with joy. I can see them smiling right back at him as he walks by, and I can hear them say, “What a cute puppy!” It’s truly a great feeling, and I appreciate it every single day.

  117. Geri Avatar

    Spending the winter in the sunny south of the US rather than at home in the GTA, makes me very happy.

  118. Woolyknitsnbits Avatar

    What is me truly happy is a day in my dye room dyeing yarn! Playing with colors is so much fun.
    Great giveaway…

  119. Maria Avatar

    Hi Laura! What beautiful pictures you’ve posted!

    Coming back home from work for some knitting, handspinning or sewing time makes me truly happy.

    Thank you for this!

  120. Jane Avatar

    Sunny days makes me happy!

  121. Ruth Avatar

    My internet connection has been down since Sunday. Now it’s back, and I’m HAPPY!!!

  122. Little Miss S Avatar

    Having my loved one back home after 7 months abroad. Having time to sit in front of the fireplace knitting and listening to an audiobook while sipping tea and listen to him snooring next door is the best sound in ages…

  123. Doreen Avatar

    So many things! The big things like a healthy family, and the little things like sitting on my screened in porch eating dinner that was cooked on the grill when the weather is warm. Sounds like everyone is ready for spring.

  124. Emma Avatar

    The fact that my family is coming for a visit tomorrow makes me very happy!

  125. Sharon M Avatar
    Sharon M

    Right now, a sunny day with the crocuses starting to bloom makes me very happy. That and being able to walk outdoors without a hat on.

  126. kimchi Avatar

    what makes me happy? my 5 month old daughter’s giggles. it’s the cutest, funniest sound and just melts my heart.

  127. helena Avatar

    well yarn makes me happy. and so do naps. i LOVE naps.

    if only i could nap and knit at the same time…

  128. Beverly (db81971) Avatar
    Beverly (db81971)

    Lately, my favorite thing is PEACE and QUIET! I really like thinking and knitting in the quiet and also I have started yoga, I’m really enjoying that too!

    Thank you for the opportunity! Your Fred+Ginger Flip-Tops are awesome!

  129. Alex Avatar

    Just realized my comment got cut off :-P I finally got a bunch of photos taken today in the nice weather, and that makes me quite happy!

  130. Word Lily Avatar

    I’ve been thrilled multiple times this week to see the progressive greening of the grass.

  131. Jen Avatar

    Right now my Kindle is making me happy. I haven’t read a book in so long and now I’m staying up late devouring the written word again!

  132. Angela Avatar

    Hot tea or coffee makes me happy. My pets, friends, boyfriend and family make me happy. Being productive makes me happy.

  133. Jen Avatar

    Ice cream right out of the tub makes me happy

  134. Bethany Avatar

    Rediscovering songs and books that were so, so influential earlier in my life…I think that’s what makes me happiest.

  135. Patrice Avatar

    Fixing Irish stew and soda bread on St. Patrick’s day makes me happy.

  136. Danielle Avatar

    Today it’s brownies baking in the oven and a walk outside with my girls on a beautiful, a-typically warm, 70 degree sunshiney day.

  137. Melody Avatar

    Coming home to a wonderful husband who has cooked dinner and cleaned the house while I was working late. So wonderful!!

  138. Jacqueline Boller Avatar

    Another trip to Carmel taking my dog to the doggy beach would make me very happy!! But for now, the simple scarf I’m knitting makes me smile!! :)

  139. diana wessel Avatar
    diana wessel

    SUNSHINE!!!! It makes me very happy!

  140. karen Avatar

    walks after work with my hubby in the Spring-like weather.

  141. Melissa A. Avatar

    My cats make me super happy! They are very silly.

  142. Elizabeth GM Avatar

    What makes me happy? Today, it was a constant breeze on what would otherwise have been a hot day; sitting next to my 6yo son as we each read our own books; and the delicious Mulligatawny soup my husband made.

  143. Judi Avatar

    Beautiful yarn makes me happy!

  144. Anita Avatar

    My son home from college for Spring Break makes me very happy!

  145. Maryse Avatar

    What makes me happy now is that spring is arriving and that means that summer will arrive and that also mean summer vacations! Although it is just March! OK, I admit, the thought that I could win this contest makes me happy too! This is a great picture that you showed us! Is there enough for a Powder River Set? Do you sell it at Lettuce Knit! I plan to go next Wednesday during my business trip in Toronto! I hope to see you there, but maybe not since you’re going to NYC. Have a great trip!

  146. Allie Avatar

    I am super happy that the daffodils will be springing up soon! They are one of my favourite flowers and always put a smile on my face.

  147. Madeline Avatar

    So many things make me happy. The smell of the delicious sweet potato coconut peanut butter chickpeas on my stove right now; my husband’s laugh; the blue and brown socks on my needles; and knowing I’ve done a job well. Love your site and your patterns – thanks.

  148. Mary de B Avatar

    I’m happy I got my new VK in the mail today (but frustrated that I *have* to finish something before casting on anything new). Also happy to have watched Ramona and Beezus with my daughter tonight (but embarrassed that it made me cry now and then).

  149. Mujercita Avatar

    I’m happy that I get to visit my parents and the family dog this weekend!

  150. samantha Avatar

    handknit baby socks on tiny baby feet make me happy. working on malabrigo socks for my 9 week old.

  151. Deanna Avatar

    Watching my children sleep. They’re so beautiful and peaceful. (and no back chat!!)

  152. Clumsy Knitter Avatar
    Clumsy Knitter

    The thing that makes me happiest as a Minnesota native transplanted to southern California is a rare gray and rainy day. I’m looking forward to two in a row this weekend!

  153. NinaZ Avatar

    Starting Spring Break makes me SO happy! [Thanks for the great giveaway!]

  154. Ashley Avatar

    Sitting on the couch with my youngest sister’s head in my lap. She’s three. :)

  155. deidre corbet Avatar
    deidre corbet

    Today I am happy for purple and my daughter’s report card. Thanks for the chance (Malabrigo wow).

  156. Kelly Avatar

    I’ll give you two–making little kids laugh and Malabrigo. :)

  157. Kris Avatar

    My sweet, sweet black toy poodle girls :)

  158. elaine Avatar

    i love knitting plain vanilla socks that require very little brain power!

    crocuses coming through the snow and mud make me happy…little bursts of color when you really need it.

  159. diane Avatar

    I am happy that my trees are changing color . After a very muggy summer here the air is finally crisp and trees are colorful.

  160. stitch jones Avatar

    Relaxing in my recliner chair, knitting away, with my little dog Toki asleep on my lap!

  161. CambriaW Avatar

    My preschooler makes me deliriously happy. I love my teenager, and I adore my son, but no one is more fun right now than my detail-oriented, extroverted, knitware addicted 4-year old :)

  162. Zenknitting Avatar

    Playing monkey see monkey do with my niece via Skype. Who knew the internet could help us play with 3 year olds who live on the west coast while we live in the east?

  163. domi Avatar

    coffee, good music, sleeping in…

  164. Rachel Avatar

    Yay, a contest! What makes me happy? Watching my two dogs romp in the backyard. It’s a little lopsided – one is a 110 pound rottweiler/shepherd mix, the other is a 45 pound mutt – but it has given joy every day for the three years we’ve had them both.

  165. Lise Avatar

    What makes me happy is being able to sit and knit in patch of sunshine and pretend it’s already spring, even though there are still two feet of snow everywhere.

  166. jenny Avatar

    what makes me happy are tiny blueberry pies! i have made those before with pretty much the same result–ugly to look at but delicious to eat, and even though I do have a rolling pin they’re a great way to save a dish and get some use out of my muffin pan!

  167. Virginia Ann Avatar
    Virginia Ann

    street fighter 4 on my iphone!

  168. Tahra Avatar

    I love the first day where I can drive with the windows down on my car. Even if its only a few inches.

  169. Amanda Avatar

    Sipping a decaf irish coffee while watching the sunset over Lands’ End in San Francisco.

  170. Melissa Avatar

    It made me happy today to go to the birthday party of a 5-year old boy – it was held outside, it was 68 degrees F, and his mom had organized a foodfight with green oatmeal and baked beans. The kids were running around in bare feet! Spring is not far away!

  171. Linda Avatar

    I’m awaiting the birth of my first grandchild in June, which makes me extremeley happy! I’ve enjoyed knitting a blanket for him and am about to start a teeny sweater (my first).

  172. maria Avatar

    let’s see… i got lots of good dyeing done today at work for fiber fest, then i came home to dozens and dozens of radish seedlings in the garden, and now a chance to win the patterns collection i’ve been coveting – three things that make me VERY happy!

  173. Lisa R-R Avatar
    Lisa R-R

    I can hardly wait to ride my bike again. Now that the ice heaps are gone in downtown Toronto, at least short rides are going to happen very soon.
    I need to build up again to my normal commute. It always takes some time, but is very energizing.
    Thanks for holding a contest!

  174. Beth Avatar

    I love that I haven’t had to wear boots in the last week.

  175. peanut Avatar

    Smelling freshly cooked brownies and knowing I’ll have some time with my husband and a movie later this evening.

  176. Christine Avatar

    Having 2 hours home alone; a good romantic comedy on TV; and I’m knitting.

  177. Page Avatar

    Wow, those mini blueberry pies look delicious. Thanks for the recipe. Sunny warm days and the return of our colony of digger bees make me happy!

  178. Deborah Avatar

    So many things make me happy. I’m really happy when my day is organized and I stay on task!

  179. LynnH Avatar

    I love those tiny pies, what a grand idea! Beloved hubby Brian loved his Toronto pie from Wanda’s, maybe I should make little ones here at home, too.

    Happy? The two blooming violets in my south side yard today. Flowers blooming in March is about as good as it gets.

  180. Shayna Avatar

    The fact that you made cup-pies and a Pushing Daisies reference all in one makes me happy.

  181. woollings Avatar

    A big bowl of ramen makes me happy. I am a noodle person! Also, knitting. Obviously.

  182. Kerry Avatar

    I’m feeling happy to be moving into my first home in 12 days! I’ll have a craftroom and my husband will have a garage to use as his pottery studio.

    Your little pies are adorable! DId you bake them in a cupcake/muffin pan?

  183. Emily Avatar

    The 70 degree temps today!

  184. Risa J Avatar
    Risa J

    Making my new place feel like home is making me very happy right now.

  185. MsVicki Avatar

    My hellebores (Lenten Roses) bloom in such a beautiful color, someone needs to make a colorway to match!

  186. Rebecca Avatar

    The birdies! They’re back!

  187. yvette Avatar

    Leaving random comments makes me happy!
    Seriously, patting all the great dogs in my neighbourhood as I walk about each day makes me smile no matter what.

  188. Jolene (JoboDesigns on Ravelry) Avatar

    My pet rabbit makes me smile… the kooky little guy is always just following me around and jumping like a little fool all over the rug in the living room (where the traction is best for such activities). He is just so spontaneous and creative in his play tactics, you can’t help by smile at him!

  189. Kate Avatar

    Attending a workshop on two unrelated topics and spotting a sock knitter across the room. I so badly wanted to interrupt the speaker, yank my socks out of my bag and wave them at her.

  190. Sarah Avatar

    Taking my two year old to the zoo on a gorgeous spring-like day makes me very happy. Watching his face light up when he saw the tiger was awesome!

  191. IDALIA Avatar

    A free afternoon, to do anything that I want, a good movie and some knitting :)

  192. Jennifer Avatar

    Watching my 2 year old daughter sleep.

  193. cate Avatar

    A sunny day like today when the air is soft, the light hazy and the ground half frozen and half muddy and wee green shoots sneaking up all accompanied by the first brave robins singing

  194. Pix Avatar

    Three things, because good things should come in threes: Curling up with my silly pup and watching her paws twitch in her sleep. Going for a horseback ride over a nice flat stretch of land so we can gallop, which feels like flying. Trying on a new pair of knitted socks for the first time.

  195. Kourtney Avatar

    M family, yarn, and ideas. They all make mw happy!

  196. Sarah Avatar

    I love getting into my pajamas right after I get home from work, having a nice dinner and then enjoying a good book! Pure bliss!

  197. Kathy Sue Avatar
    Kathy Sue

    Right now, I am happy that I have been able to take time off work to get my 83 year old Mom back on her feet (literally) after total hip surgery. It has been very pleasant spending uninterrupted time with her!

  198. Claire Avatar

    My cats, napping in the sun, or by the fireplace…always makes me happy.

  199. Norma Avatar

    The news that my son and wife are expecting their first child in the Fall has made me very happy indeed!

  200. Rae Avatar

    Your blueberry pie cups look delicious. I am happy that Spring is finally coming I get to see family I haven’t seen in about 10 yrs.

  201. Renee Avatar

    The wonderful crisp mornings of Autumn we are having here at the moment make me very happy.

  202. Lauren M Avatar
    Lauren M

    Lots of things are making me happy right now, but I’ll pick the sock yarn I got yesterday, which has got the colours of muddy spring and blue skies in it and gives me hope along with the improving weather.

    Thanks for holding the giveaway!

  203. donna Avatar

    Spending time with my nephew. He giggles when I ask him if he has a girlfriend. Next Saturday we’re making chicken pot pie.

  204. Trudi Avatar

    I’m happy that I have a head cold and subsequent middle ear infection, because it’s meant I’ve had yesterday and today off work. I’ve found two places where mice are getting into the roof/walls, just in time for the pest people who are coming tomorrow to deal with them properly. Maybe I will get a decent nights sleep without rustling mice noise, haven’t had that for weeks. Not so happy having seen a mouse get into and come out of the wall outside behind where I sit on the couch and knit!

  205. Dawn Hughes Avatar

    Hmmm cashmere makes me incredibly happy!

  206. Maria Avatar

    Kittens make me happy and since my boyfriend doesn’t like cats i will have to stick with beautiful cozy yarn instead! That’s not bad either!

  207. Sheralynn Avatar

    I am happy when the weather is perfect and I have cast-onitis, AND I get the spend the perfect weather knitting outside, instead of being inside because it is too hot!

  208. Bridget Avatar

    Things that make me happy: my boyfriend, sunshine and tea but mainly that I’ve got a weeks holiday starting tomorrow and I am going back to Scotland to see my family.

  209. Andrea D. Avatar

    I’ll get new glasses today and I’ll be happy when I can see my knitting projects sharp again.

    Many Greetings from Germany!

  210. Amparo Avatar

    when after days raining the sun starts shining… and I can go running again!!!!

  211. Barbara Avatar

    I’m currently on a juice and soup fast, which is great – but what really makes me happy about it is how much more intensive and lovely everything smells! Yesterday I was sitting in front of an cup which had recently been emptied of hot chocolate (by my boyfriend), and the scent took my breath away. :)

    I already have the collection, but this yarn is too beautiful for words…I’ve never knit with Malabrigo before, but everyone seems to love it…*makes a wish*

  212. toni in florida Avatar

    laughing with my friends and/or family, that makes me happiest of all.

  213. Sarah Avatar

    Happiness today – Hugs from my husband. Vases of daffodils. Peanut butter on toast. New project on my needles.

  214. julie Avatar

    something that makes me happy… the idea of cup pies. must try to make some!

  215. Krista Avatar

    I’m made happy by the moment one feels the warmth of the sun first time on a spring day. Sunny day = happy day

  216. Estella Avatar

    A vase full of tulips.

  217. Pigwotknits Avatar

    Seeing the basil seeds I planted 2 weeks ago sprouting into tiny green plantlets. Spring is coming!

  218. Alycia C Avatar
    Alycia C

    Reading knitting blogs on my work break makes me happy. Can’t wait to get home and cast on a pair of plain socks too.

  219. Sandra Avatar

    What’s making me happy today is knowing we’re going to Kingston tomorrow to see some friends, and see their son get his engineering iron ring. It’s been too long since we’ve seen them, plus I get all that car knitting time…

  220. cyndy Avatar

    The big red cardinal sitting in my leafless Japanese Maple..now.

  221. Cynthia Avatar

    Sighting a robin for the first time this year makes me happy to know spring is almost here.

  222. Carolyn Avatar

    Your blog makes me happy! Great pics, great patterns, great info! ( :

  223. Mary Beth Avatar
    Mary Beth

    All the green that’s coming up and sprouting out makes me happy.

  224. Rose Avatar

    Insanely yellow forsythia blooms and daffodils!!

  225. Jo Avatar

    When my 6 week old baby laughs :)

  226. Orli Avatar

    Waking up to see three different-colored cat butts all pointing at me, secure in the knowledge that they love me so much they can’t leave me alone at night :)

  227. Orli Avatar

    (And also, seeing that I’m comment #227, which is my birthday!)

  228. Lauren Avatar

    Lovely cup-pies :) They make me happy. But usually a piping hot cafe au lait does the trick.

  229. Judith Avatar

    Happy Spring = sun melting snow piles :)

  230. Karen Stevens Avatar
    Karen Stevens

    The smell of the sap turning to maple syrup on the stove.. the whole house smells great!

  231. IrishJenn Avatar

    My two furry pups, my sweet husband, and the impending visit of FOUR of my best girlfriends. Look out Omaha!

  232. Laine Snowman Avatar
    Laine Snowman

    Butternut squash risotto. A soak in the hot tub. My kitty leaching my heat by stretching out along my thigh on the couch. Hmmm, warmth seems to be key!

  233. Sarah Avatar

    currently making me happy: not just crocuses but also two daffodils in our yard! happy spring!

  234. Angela Avatar

    Watching my doggie sleep. It never fails, even if I’m upset and actively crying, if she falls asleep on my bed and starts yipping and “running” in her sleep I have to smile, if not laugh.

  235. Betsy Avatar

    You know it’s really spring when you hear the cranes. Love that sound it makes me so happy just to hear them.

  236. Susie Gourlay Avatar
    Susie Gourlay

    I just bought a weaving loom and thats makes me happy…. I am learning another aspect of the fibre arts and want to dive right in

  237. mick Avatar

    Thursdays make me happy! They’re my short day of teaching, so I have a standing coffee date with a friend, then go to my knit night. Yesterday I was even able to squeeze in a nap with my kitty and a run in the sunshine. Lovely.

  238. Chantal Avatar

    March break makes me happy! Sunny days I get to fill up with knitting and cooking and friends and family are pretty great too.

  239. Kassia Avatar

    Sunny days and warmer temps, knitting just about anything…. :)

  240. Jan Avatar

    The air is amazing right now. The first times you get to open the windows in the house, even if it’s only for 1/2 an hour, bliss. Refreshing, clean and full of the promise of spring.

  241. Tara Avatar

    Giveaways make me happy! Also: Skor Blizzards from DQ, packages of yarn in the mail, fat quarter bundles, kids’ belly laughs, and Buffy The Vampire Slayer :)

  242. JD Avatar

    Mmm…those cup-pies look delicious! What a great idea.

  243. judi Avatar

    happiness for me…visits to/from grandkids, casting on or binding off a project and that first cup of coffee in the morning.

  244. Megan Avatar

    I love APPLES and apple season. Though I would love to win your giveaway too! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  245. heatehr Avatar

    Baking in my new kitchen! You’ve inspired me! Thanks for the giveaway.

  246. Holly Avatar

    Knitting and spring flowers both make me happy

  247. Courtney L. Avatar
    Courtney L.

    What makes me happy is when it’s warmer outside than it is inside. It makes not going outside criminal! :)

  248. Sarah Avatar

    I looked out the window on the south facing side of house yesterday, and saw the green tips of future daffodils and tulips sticking out of the ground. I always think that winter will never end (and this year has been so bad), but all of a sudden it does and the whole world is new and green. I love that hopefullness.

  249. Tui Avatar

    My friend is recovering well from her big surgery and she can walk on her own already! :)

  250. Valerie Cheel Avatar
    Valerie Cheel

    Wee little crocuses poking up!
    And my 13 month-old behemoth of a baby

  251. Kimberly Avatar

    Hula hooping makes me happy! :)

  252. Kate Avatar

    Hot, clean water. Hot water for showers, for baths, for hot water bottles, for tea. I’m GRATEFUL for hot water, and it makes me happy. :)

  253. Jennifer Avatar

    In warm sunshine yesterday my children and I walked to the ice cream store yesterday through puddles and mud and snow–and on our way home found two little yellow flowers poking through the snow. Happy all around!

  254. trish Avatar

    Children singing, squishy wool yarn, hugs from my teenager, patterns that have no mistakes, ladybugs in my garden, finding a check or yarn in the mail.

  255. Francesca Avatar

    Hugs from my soon-to-be 8 year old son. Instant happiness.

  256. Robbyn Avatar

    Macaroni and cheese, my Cocker Spaniel, good books and good coffee :) All these things make me happy!

  257. Rachel Avatar

    When I come home from work and it’s warm and sunny and I can sit outside and relax in the warmth of the sun, then I’m happy. Especially if I have a project to work on while I’m out there.

  258. Laura Avatar

    A really good gin martini enjoyed on the deck after a long, productive day.

  259. karen fogel Avatar
    karen fogel

    Good friends visiting – ah, that makes me very happy!!!

  260. Gwen Avatar

    My husband. It’s my wedding anniversary today, so he’s on my mind :)

  261. Brandi Avatar

    I love going to work (at a kennel) and seeing all the dogs that are so happy to see me. And when we go outside, I just scratch their bellies and enjoy the great weather we are having.

  262. Liz Avatar

    What makes me happy is walking my dog now that the temps are above freezing!!!!

  263. Jorie Avatar

    I love imagining just what my dog is dreaming about while his legs twitch furiously and he emits mini barks.

  264. Susanne Avatar

    Sunshine makes me happy!! Especially this time of the year when it holds some heat and can melt all the snow we had this year!!! Be gone snow, com’on Spring!!!!

  265. emmy lou Avatar

    Returning home after traveling… I really enjoy the traveling part too, but the homecoming makes me happy.

  266. Ali Avatar

    Happy and grateful for it all! Healthy family, lovely life. What’s not to be happy about??

  267. Irene Avatar

    Wish I could go with you to NYC! There’s the feel of spring in the air, and the crocuses and daffodils are pushing out of the ground, squirrels running around with dogs chasing them! Yay! Yes, Spring makes me happy.

  268. E. Weaver Avatar
    E. Weaver

    Riding home from a trip to the river on a sunny summer day. Windows down, radio turned up, looking forward to dinner with the feeling of tired that comes from playing and relaxing in the water and sun all day. Even thinking about it in Mid-March makes me smile!

  269. Helen Avatar

    The spring flowers that are on the verge of bursting!

  270. Lorna Avatar

    I’m happy when I have evenly flowing stitches that create a gently rhythm as I knit.

  271. Chelette Avatar

    I am happy to know we have turned the page on winter. It will be 75 degrees today and I picked jonquils this am to put in the house.

  272. Ann Avatar

    Casting on a new project, dinner with friends, snuggling with the husband and kitties all make me happy!

  273. TracyKM Avatar

    Happiness—once the ground firms up and I don’t have to wash the dog’s paws every 15minutes.
    Also, when the right yarn and pattern come together easily and I don’t spend 2 hours searching through every magazine for the “right” pattern for the yarn!

  274. duni Avatar

    oh man- my favorite thing right now is that my crocuses (crocusi?) are blooming, because spring really is here. i wasn’t even sick of winter yet, but the return of sunny and warmer days has me very excited.
    and btw- i really love your map collection. it’s got some great pieces! well done!

  275. Amy Avatar

    Well, my favorite spring thing to do fiber-wise, something guaranteed to always make me happy, is to cast on for a new spring knit. Something lighter, girlier, and more whimsical than anything I’ve been wearing through the winter. Something BRIGHT.

    …but then I saw your little pie-lets and now THOSE make me happy. :) Must try that trick!

  276. natalie Avatar

    Getting a big hug from my mom at the airport after I’d been away living in Australia for a year made me the happiest I’d been in a long time!!!

  277. WendyF Avatar

    A big piece of chocolate layer cake with lots of icing would make me very happy now! (You can tell it’s almost lunchtime and I’m starving!)

  278. Kathy Avatar

    So many things I would love to knit from the Map Collection – such an awesome giveaway!

  279. Lesley Avatar

    Spring makes me happy! The hint of warmer temperatures, not having to bundle up to go outside, flowers blooming, leaves on the trees. Soon it will be pleasant enough to take the knitting out to the lawn chairs!

  280. Vanessa Avatar

    I have spent the last 26 years raising my family – and all of a sudden they are grown up and two have left home already – I adore all the moments we have being together as a family – having dinner, playing games and laughing uncontrollably !

  281. Daisy Avatar

    Very few things make me happier than seeing the first flowers in spring.

  282. Heather R. Avatar
    Heather R.

    Travel :-)

  283. Michelle Avatar

    Your cup pies made me happy! How can you not smile when seeing those?

  284. Sarah Avatar

    What makes me happy: A major construction project (in my home) that is progressing nicely. And also a knitting project progressing nicely.

  285. Shannon Avatar

    I think this week that the sun peeking through and making the world bright, combined with a knitting project coming along nicely to be gifted to a friend in need, is whats making me happy.

  286. Sophia Avatar

    I’ve just spent a week in the most fun city in the world: Austin, TX. Got to see a few films, hear some music, visit friends and eat delicious tacos. All of the above equal happiness!

  287. Shannon Avatar

    Walking my dogs when it isn’t snowy or icy.

  288. knitstamatic Avatar

    More than anything else the one thing that makes me the most happy is when my husband tickles the top of my head in the morning so I roll over and cuddle next to him before we get up to start our day. It’s my first smile every day.

  289. Donna Avatar

    Spring makes me happy because it is time for my berks again(and pretty socks). My feet hate winter and boots.

    Thanks for the contest.

  290. Julie Avatar

    Things that make me happy: Laughing children, soft yarn, sunshine on my face, a really good glass of wine. Not necessarily in that order.

  291. Thea Avatar

    Temperatures above 45 degrees F and my adorable husband who keeps me warm when the temp is lower.

  292. Tricia Avatar

    I feel very happy when I walk outside early in the morning and hear the birds chirping and singing – it’s a great way to start the day!

  293. Bonnie Avatar

    Banana chocolate chip coffee cake, peppermint, vanilla, and squishy yarn. (I am hungry and a knitter….)

  294. Christina from Copenhagen Avatar
    Christina from Copenhagen

    I love to see some daylight!

  295. Rebecca Avatar

    Waking up to five inches of snow during my ski week in Colorado. The trees look like someone dusted them with powdered sugar.

  296. Lina Avatar

    Wearing something I just finished knitting, whether it’s a pair of socks, a shawl or a sweater.

  297. Karen Lauterwasser Avatar
    Karen Lauterwasser

    Wow – all this lovely sunshine, and then my son is coming home from college tomorrow to visit for spring break.

    This is fun – not just to think about what makes me smile, but reading everyone else’s posts.

  298. Abby C. Avatar
    Abby C.

    Spring is finally on it’s way! Loving how I can leave my patio door open when I get home from work and enjoy the evening breeze!

  299. Dee Avatar

    Gardening makes me happy! I went out yesterday into the warm sunshine and saw lots of evidence that spring is here. Yay!

  300. Mary Ellen Avatar
    Mary Ellen

    Count me in! I love having a pair of socks on my needles – the perfect take-along project! I consider it my IV Valium – it keeps me sane when everthing around me is in chaos.

  301. Jan Avatar

    Loads of yarn with so many possibilities rambling around in my head, makes me very happy, indeed.

  302. Liz Avatar

    Nap time and knitting make me happy. Extra happy if it’s spring too!

  303. Shannon Avatar

    Watching my cats sleep.

  304. Heather M. Avatar
    Heather M.

    The sweater I just finished makes me happy. It’s my first one ever, and it fits me like a hug with sleeves.

  305. Fran Freimarck Avatar
    Fran Freimarck

    I love knitting while listening to opera music – and pink yarn!

  306. LeAnn Avatar

    My flowers are blooming and it is finally warm! Yay spring!

  307. Sandra H Avatar
    Sandra H

    I love getting mail–even junk mail. A full mailbox makes me happy!

  308. Sarah-Mae @ Eat, Run, Knit Avatar

    Sunshine. The more sunshine the better.

  309. Amie F Avatar
    Amie F

    Chocolate makes me happy!

  310. tara Avatar

    Long enough days (and daylight savings time) so that I can walk home from work in the sunshine!

  311. Anne Avatar

    Time spent with a good friend always makes me happy!

  312. Jennifer Avatar

    What made me happy just today was ‘arguing’ with a man about carrying an old woman’s rolling cart down the subway stairs. Too often you see people zoom by, oblivious to people having trouble with their cumbersome, yet necessary things (strollers, groceries,etc) and today, there were more helpers at the station than those needing help!(Another woman tried to jump into the fun, but the man beat us all out of the job.)

  313. JG Avatar

    I will be pregnant this Spring that makes me estatic! I can’t wait to go for long walks with the hubby and sit outside to knit for our new addition!

  314. Bronwen Avatar

    The book “Sunshine” by Robin McKinley (a reread) has been making me very happy the past few days.

  315. Carolina Avatar

    What made me happy today? Spending time with an old friend on a movie/lunch date!

  316. Sarah Avatar

    The robins returning makes me happy. It’s cloudy and rainy, but it is always what reminds me of spring and the promise of summer, with long days and bbqs!

  317. Karen Stennes Avatar
    Karen Stennes

    All these fun new knitting blogs that I have been reading make me happy! I am new to knitting and love all the inspiration :)

  318. katie Avatar

    seeing my children smile and having time in the day to knit

  319. Joan Avatar

    My best friend from university is coming to visit on April 7th… we haven’t seen each other for thirty years!!!

  320. Bonnie Avatar

    I am training for a half-marathon and ran 10 miles today. Running 10 miles is making me happy. Sore, but happy ;) I just made a sweater with Twist and it is a great yarn to knit with–and your pattern collection looks great!

  321. Retha Avatar

    I love to see the crocus’ pop up! It’s a sure sign I’ll be donning my beloved flip flops sooner rather than later.

  322. Jill Avatar

    The cherry blossoms are in full bloom here in Victoria – a sure sign that spring has arrived!

  323. Karen Avatar

    My children of course, but a guilty pleasure? Siting on our deck, early in the morning with the sun just coming up, wrapped in a big ol’ blanket and a frappaccino (I know, but I LIKE my coffee cold).

  324. Tracy Avatar

    Friday afternoons when you’re coming home from work! Perfectly fitting, non saggy tights! Knowing the bills are paid! My bicycle! Mr. Bear my geriatric cat!

  325. adrienne Avatar

    Flip-flops, ladder golf, and getting some sun in the backyard.

  326. tiffany Avatar

    Sitting outside with the sun shining on me while I’m knitting socks.

  327. ChristineK Avatar

    Seeing the first signs of spring make me happy. The forsythia are blooming, the daffodils are peeking up, and the trees are blooming and budding. I love spring almost as much as I love fall.

  328. Lauren Avatar

    I spent the day skiing with my family. Soooo happy!

  329. dclulu Avatar

    What a nice giveaway!

    Knitting gifts makes me happy.

  330. Rose K Avatar
    Rose K

    I love warm breezy spring days. Perfect for driving around with my windows down and load happy music on the radio. Also great for walking with the boy.

  331. Cindylou Avatar

    Happiness is the whole family together, and a kitten on my lap. Alpaca in my knitting bag, and handmade socks on my feet.

  332. chris Avatar

    sunny mornings – they just make the day start right.

  333. Brenna Keane Avatar
    Brenna Keane

    What makes me happy is knitting cowls with pretty yarn.

  334. Emily Margaret Avatar
    Emily Margaret

    Springtime! The green grass and colorful flowers always make me happy.

  335. Viviana Avatar

    Unwrapping a parcel full of gorgeous yarn or fibre really makes me happy!

  336. Erin Avatar

    My daughter turning 13 today, the best daughter in the whole world!!!

  337. Elizabeth Avatar

    Flowers blooming indoors — geraniums, amaryllis, a new flower stalk on an orchid; the first snowdrops outside . . . reading The Lord of the Rings in the evening to my children . . . and my cockatiel sitting on my shoulder clucking in the morning.

  338. gis Avatar

    a hug, a good book, my feet in the sand or grass, a cup of hot chocolate

  339. Jessica Powers Avatar

    Lilacs make me happy when spring is coming. And pumpkins when autumn is arriving. My migraine this morning didn’t make me happy, but my sweetheart taking care of me very much did.

  340. Saffron Avatar

    Being creative makes me happy. :)

  341. Linda Avatar

    daffodils, spinning and finished knitted projects make me happy

  342. Myong Avatar

    Oooh…what a great giveaway. I’d love to win this!
    What makes me happy: my family, watching my kids play ball outside, having my little girl beside me working her first scarf while I knit, winning a blog giveaway!

  343. DeborahJ Avatar

    whatching the NCAA Basketball tournament and knitting.

  344. Mwknitter Avatar

    My grandchildren make me happier than anything else. After them it’s travel, knitting & going to the Lyric Opera.

  345. Meaghan Avatar

    Maybe I can get a head start on spring knitting in the southern hemisphere…or at least get something finished before winter gets here.

  346. Eva Avatar

    Oddly enough, moving and looking for a new flat makes me happy! It’s probably my craigslist obsession meeting my excitement about new possibilities… in this case, it’s also the joy of having found a fab new job and moving to a new/old city. Yay!

  347. Nicole Avatar

    My 1 week old baby girl and knitting for her.

  348. Penny Avatar

    I love the look of those pies! :-D

    What makes me really happy is waking up early on Saturday mornings before anyone else is awake. I can sit around drinking tea and looking at the internet, and enjoying the sunshine coming in the window. And knitting, of course!!

  349. Kathleen R Avatar
    Kathleen R

    Spending time with friends :)

  350. darlene Avatar

    so many things make me happy but my top five are…
    successful FOs
    catching up at brunch with my son
    girls night out
    watching my dogs playing
    a clean house

  351. Carol Avatar

    On a warm spring day I love to bring my spinning wheel outside, set it up in the garden and spin with the sun shining down on me.

  352. ExecutiveKnitter Avatar

    i know it’s spring when my cat stops sleeping in her heated cat bed and starts sleeping in the window seat in the sun.

  353. theresa Avatar

    MY kids getting along and new yarn make me happy!

  354. LT Avatar

    Right now it’s seeing the small red buds on my cherry tree that signals that spring is coming. Soon it will be covered in fluffy pink cherry blossoms.

  355. Jennifer Avatar

    Being home – I love being in my house with my husband and pets.

  356. Tammy Avatar

    Thank you for holding this contest Laura.
    Some of the things that are making me happy right now is having the time to pursue various creative endeavours these past few weeks; good, strong (less frigid) runs in the evenings; and the promise of spring that is in the air.

  357. Ana Huron Avatar

    Hello Laura,
    I just discovered your site and really love your style!
    What makes me happy?
    A full sugar bowl next to the hot pot of coffee.
    A daughter asking to be taught how to knit in the round.
    The smell of orange blossoms through my window.
    A new pair of sandals for spring!
    A slobbery kiss from my 4 year old.

  358. Karen Avatar

    This week’s happiness: Sleeping late (kid on spring break!), casting off a simple project that became waay too complicated, first truly warm day of spring, and raking up a pile of dry leaves in the garden to reveal a host of little blue flowers! Life is full of small happinesses if you remember to look for them — thanks for the reminder!

  359. Christine G Avatar
    Christine G

    Skiing makes me happy, Spring will make me happy soon, and malabrigo in damask rose makes my heart beat faster.

  360. Yolande Avatar

    What makes me happy today? Spring is showing through the snow (daffodils are coming out), my favourite mystery authors all have new books out and I have yarn coming in mail for upcoming projects. Busy, busy :-)

  361. Laura Hughes Avatar
    Laura Hughes

    It makes me happy when all my laundry is done, the kids are in bed and I’m knitting, not frogging, but knitting!

  362. Yolanda Avatar

    A good cup of coffee and several hours of un-interruped knitting time. And of course, making good progress on whatever it is that I’m knitting.

  363. Kimberly Avatar

    I’m a weird one, I guess. What makes me happy is a huge pile of snow outside, with me on the inside wrapped in one of my Grandma’s afghans and a cut of hot chocolate :)

  364. debbie Avatar

    taking my shoes off the first warm spring day
    and feeling the grass on my bare feet-aahhh…

  365. Jocelyn Avatar

    Spending a quiet weekend at home with my knitting and the past week’s TV on makes me happy.

  366. Merie Avatar

    Curries are making me happy this long winter – a bowl of mutter paneer over basmati just makes me incredibly happy!

  367. Reve Avatar

    65’F days, being outside at the playground with my chitlins, after a long, cold winter.

  368. cabreena Avatar

    I make me happy.

  369. Dee L Avatar
    Dee L

    Looking at my boys and seeing that they have grown into kind, polite and completely amazing teenagers who actually enjoy spending time with their family. :0)

  370. soxanne Avatar

    Knit Night at the Yarnery in St Paul with Jean and company…going to Dixie’s with my son…spring break with my daughter…all three things have happened this week!

  371. moiraeknittoo Avatar

    Right now? I’m totally happy that this year I planted some Forget-Me-Not seeds I got in a $1 kit and 70% of them germinated! I’ve never tried to do that from seeds inside my house! Life is amazing. :D

  372. Debbie H Avatar
    Debbie H

    Having 2 days off in a row form work so I can knit makes me really happy! thanks for the giveaway. Debbie in alaska

  373. Mary Avatar

    I just planted kale, lettuce and collard greens in our garden. Very happy :)

  374. Helen Avatar

    Dancing to music I love!

  375. Dolores Avatar

    Knowing all is well with my son, my cat, my family, and my friends – and I can’t forget knitting!!!

    Thank you for your blog!!!

  376. Lynne Avatar

    Your cup-pies look delicious! What’s making me happy right now, in addition to a fun contest ;), is discovering a really cool place just blocks from my house that has (among lots of other interesting stuff!) a bunch of pinball machines dating from the 1950’s (all mechanical, wood, metal and rubber!) to new. For one admission price, you can play pinball all day long!

  377. Shai Avatar

    Looking at all the spring blooming plants is making me quite happy!!

  378. D Louise Avatar
    D Louise

    The fact that my brother made me a cherry pie after we encountered a gluten-free bakery willing to sell us piecrusts. It’s been many years since I’ve had pie as I’m a lousy baker and gf treats of that magnitude are not easy to come by where I live. The pie hardly cancelled out my breast cancer diagnosis, but it DID lift my spirits…

  379. Preeti Avatar

    The pretty spring flowers beginning to bloom in my backyard make me really, really happy:)

  380. Robin Avatar

    The warm weather and sunshine…and my puppy!

  381. Louise Avatar

    The main thing that makes me happy is my family. After that anything with chocolate in it!!

  382. stephanie Avatar

    besides the usual – knitting and my dog’s tenacious commitment to perching on the back of the couch like a cat -the purple sunbirds in my yard make me happy. There’s something cool about a bird that looks plain black unless the sun is shining directly on him, when he turns the most amazing iridescent blue.

  383. Nina Avatar

    Planting seeds and seed potatoes on my allotment has made me very happy this wedding, spring and a wonderful growing season seem so close now.

    What a beautiful pink that yarn is!

  384. Nina Avatar

    Obviously from my last comment, one of the things that is stressing me out is the planning for our upcoming wedding! As I meant to say weekend not wedding.

  385. brella Avatar

    What is making me happy right now: successfully buying and moving into our first house. Ordering a dryer, picking out curtains–makes us feel like newlyweds. (We’ve been married 5 years.)

  386. Sherry r Avatar
    Sherry r

    Going on vacation makes me happy! I love to travel, so having a trip to look forward to always makes me happy!

  387. hanne Avatar

    when my kids are getting along and are happy, and when I am starting a new knitting project.

  388. Karen Caplan Avatar
    Karen Caplan

    The moment in a knitting project when it is clear that It Will All Be OK.

    And puppies.

  389. JJ Avatar

    Music always makes me happy!

  390. Carolyn Avatar

    I love the idea of cup-pies – I think I’ll have to try doing some myself.

  391. Julie Avatar

    Daffodils! They are in bloom all over my neighborhood.

  392. Liz Avatar

    The first day it’s warm enough to open all the windows after a long winter!

  393. Sharon Avatar

    Seeing the blue spring sky with budding tree branches reaching up and smelling that fresh earthy spring smell make me happy.

  394. LauraBeth Avatar

    The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I have the beginnings of lemon braid bread rising in the kitchen. It’s a lovely day.

  395. Sophia Avatar

    My son laughing for no reason other than he’s happy. :D

  396. Jessica Kaufman Avatar

    Ooh, ooh, the map collection giveaway! I was hoping you’d do this. Today’s happiness comes from this trifecta, on the 1st day of spring: my longest run yet (6.25 miles), followed by waxing my legs and watching Big Love. Sunday win!

  397. enidb Avatar

    Today sewing makes me happy. I just finished a project bag (for knitting) and it’s too cute. What a wonderful giveaway. So many of the patterns in the Map Collection are waiting for cast on.

  398. Erin Avatar

    daffodils coming up!

  399. windzgirl Avatar

    Not having to wear my winter coat makes me happy!

  400. Sylvia Y Avatar
    Sylvia Y

    finding a good book that you can’t put down…

  401. stargirl Avatar

    Planting seeds, and looking forward to another season of gardening!

  402. Mary Ellen Avatar
    Mary Ellen

    Spending time with my friend Lee and getting teased because I was knitting during his concert…..he’s so appreciative of his Malabrigo gets and scarf that I don’t mind the teasing

  403. Mary Ellen Avatar
    Mary Ellen

    Haha….. That’s Malabrigo hats….

  404. Rita Avatar

    Family, friends, knitting, yarn, a good book and a good movie are all things that make me happy, not necessarily all at the same time.

  405. Alison Avatar

    Homemade food makes me happy.

  406. Emma Avatar

    Malabrigo yarn. Really.