
spring Interweave preview is up!






11 responses to “psst.”

  1. Lauren Avatar

    I’ve already knit one! Alchemy’s picot camisole.

  2. Siri Avatar

    A Ha! I’ve been waiting for those words! Thanks for the heads up.

  3. Vicki Avatar

    Thank you, I only know when a new IK is coming out when someone mentions it. Then I have to start checking the one newsagent that sells it so I don’t miss out. Thanks for letting us know, I am now guaranteed a copy.

  4. yahaira Avatar

    wow it actually looks like it has a few good patterns

  5. yahaira Avatar

    wow it actually looks like it has a few good patterns

  6. Theresa Avatar

    I’m in love! I could knit almost all of it. Right now. Thanks for pointing it out!

  7. Jill Avatar

    The only pattern I super duper love is the subscriber only fair isle rib jacket thingy. Hmmmm….

  8. Chris Avatar

    Thanks for the heads up – looks like there are some winners in that issue!

  9. Melissa Avatar

    Thanks for the tip – lots of cute things in there!

  10. Jen M Avatar
    Jen M

    Here’s a dumb question – how did you sign up for this great newsletter? I get the print magazine, and I think I signed up on the Interweave site to get notices, etc., but I certainly have never gotten the emailed newsletter. Of course, I always know I can come here to read it :)

  11. Ariane Avatar

    Thanks for the link! There are atleast 7 patterns that I like enough to make, which means this one seems like a WINNER (unlike the new Vogue Knitting IMO) . Can’t wait til it comes out :)

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