
The body of the cable/rib cardi looks super!

Problem: the sleeves. They are
a) too big to fit into the armhole and
b) too big for me.

Solution: rip back a couple of the increases, go straight, then figure out a new sleeve cap.

Problem: the sleeve has alreading been washed and blocked. The reknit stitches look like CRAAAAAAAAP.

Possible solutions:
a) rip back the whole sleeve, wash the yarn, and reknit it.
b) keep going and hope it works out.
c) wait until April 22, the day of the DKC Knitter’s Frolic, get more yarn from Shelridge Farm, reknit sleeves and hope it’s still cool enough out to wear the cabled wool sweater.
d) ????







17 responses to “problem-o”

  1. Lauren Avatar

    I am very VERY new at this blocking thing, but couldn’t you just re-block it after you get it to the correct sizing?

  2. laura Avatar

    the sweater looks so lovely, it would be a shame to wait to finish it.

    maybe you could just cut the yarn at the point that you unraveled it and then wash or steam the yarn to be reknit? since sleeve has already been washed once, washing the yarn again probably wont affect your gauge.

  3. Dani Avatar

    Hmmm, I would have to agree with Lauren, couldn’t you just re-block it?

  4. Emy Avatar

    If you are feeling bummed about the yarn, just rip the entire sleeve, wash and dry…then use it to knit again. That gets rid of all the kinks and makes the knitting more tolerable. :P

  5. Ella Avatar

    I agree with Emy. If you wait to buy new yarn a/ you might not get a good colour match and b/ if you do, what will you do with your 2 extra sleeves? you’d have to rip them anyway, may as well be sooner than later. :)

  6. Wanda Avatar

    I was thinking that you could just knit the section that had to be ripped and then re-blocking the whole sleeve.

  7. Rachel H Avatar
    Rachel H

    You forgot option (e) buy more yarn at the Frolic to make one of these cardis for Rachel H.


  8. gray la gran Avatar

    i vote for just rewashing the sleeve. it seems that would relax the stitches? i had blocked my sleeves (noro silk garden) and then had to rip back and reknit the sleeve caps. i think because of the colors and texture of the yarn, i did not notice if i had wonky stitches. but, when i finished sewing the sweater together, the entire thing went for a swim in the bathtub! lady butterfly is still blocking/drying, just intime for a week of 70* + weather!

  9. gray la gran Avatar

    ps your sweater body looks fantastic!

  10. Heather Avatar

    Sweater looks awesome!

    As far as the sleeves go, I vote for just going for it. Stitches always look kind of crappy when you reknit them BUT when you are done, give it a good relaxing soak, and reblock it well and they should be just fine! Can’t wait to see it! ;)

  11. Jayme Avatar

    Here is an option D for you. It’ll create more ends but that’s pretty easy to deal with as opposed to some of your other options. I would rip back to the same point you did before reknitting, cut the yarn. Skein, soak and dry the yarn and then reball, and reknit the top of the sleeve.

  12. Chris Avatar

    Oh, the sweater is beautiful. Cursed sleeves. Um, rewash and “unblock” the sleeve and the ripped yarn, then reknit?

  13. Julia Avatar

    I agree with a couple people. Either keep knitting and re-block the whole thing (Why wouldn’t that fix it?) or frog it and wash all the yarn together. No need to buy all new yarn. I think the knitting and re-blocking the whole thing is the best idea…it requires less ripping.

  14. Gina Avatar

    I’m loving the way the cardi looks, is it from the 2005 or 2004 Holiday Vogue? I’m going to have to seek it out.

  15. jillian Avatar

    Oh no!! Will the newly knit stitches blend in with blocking?? I know – it’s already been said :)

  16. Anny Avatar

    That totally bites about the sleeves, but the cardi looks absolutely gorgeous!!! I too would keep knitting it as you are and then just re-block the whole thing. I think re-blocking it will get rid of the kinks and even out the new stitches. The sweater is definately worth the trouble though ;0)

  17. Laila Avatar

    Well… would make a nice vest !

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