Oh, Brother

Meet my new sewing machine!

New sewing machine!

It’s a really inexpensive Brother XL2800. I agonized over what machine to get, but in the end I just went with something easy that’ll get the job done. I haven’t sewn much with it yet, but so far it seems just fine – smooth, tension takes adjustments well, good selection of stitches (that I’ll probably never use!). I cut and sewed up another Wiksten tank muslin, which went just fine. Ah, the speed and ease of a machine!

another wiksten seam

It’s a bit too tight across the bust, unfortunately, even without a bra and before the neck and armhole bindings. So, I won’t be finishing this one, but at least I know that I need to cut a larger size or use a different fabric. I rarely buy or wear woven fabric tops anyway, so I think next I’ll try one in a jersey. Just need to pick up some ballpoint needles first!

I don’t have a lot of time to spend tinkering with sewing right now anyway, because I have waaaaay too many knitting projects to work on, and yarn on the way for more! Some have external deadlines, but mostly I’ve just got a bad case of startitis.

Socks that Rock

Socks that Rock in Neptune.

too many projects

A big mess on my desk!

Garden update – the front window is FULL of plants (check out the tomatoes on the right, they got huge so fast). I want to believe the chance of frost is past now, but who knows with this winter. I’ll wait till our safe planting date of May 24 before I even think about moving stuff outside. I’m in the process of hardening off most of the tomato plants now, giving them some outdoor sun and wind time so they can get used to it.

window jungle


The peas are finally up, after being planted outside over 2 weeks ago. They’re so cute!



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