I graduated! (I’m feeling a little behind on the whole blogging thing…)
(Also, please ignore my crazy eye in this and following photos.)
It was a bit surreal, but the ceremony was pretty nice and not excessively long, considering the number of graduates – around 600? Anyway, since I know everyone will ask…University of Toronto, Honours Bachelor of Science, double major in biology and linguistics (although that isn’t written anywhere). Yes, that’s a weird combination; no, I don’t want to do anything with it; I’m not currently looking for a grown up job. I got home from work at 9:30 tonight (having left at 9:30 this morning), I think I’m working hard enough for right now!
Anyway, the downside of the work schedule is I work, I come home, I watch House on dvd and knit (new projects! soon) and go to bed. Wake up and repeat. This saturday I’m going glasses shopping, which is mildly exciting and very much needed – also, it’s a good time to get a new pair under the parents’ insurance!
And then there’s all the non-store work (and store work not during store hours) to think about too. Writing patterns and such. Lots of stuff going on. And the garden! Can’t forget that I’m a slave to the garden, which needs to be weeded and watered constantly. Well, the watering more I suppose, since that has to be done every day and the weeding can wait till the weekend.
Anyway. Off to bed, but definitely some knitterly updates this weekend!
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