My street is off a major street. In order to get to my street from the bus stop, you can either jaywalk (I almost wrote ‘jaywalker’, ha) or go slightly past my street to get to a crosswalk with a light – it’s not an intersection, but has a traffic light (it’s outside a public school). You have to hit the button to make the light change, or it’ll just stay green.
So today I hit the button and waited, and the light turned yellow. A few cars went through the yellow. Then the light turned red, and some stupid fuck accelerated through it. Now I’m usually a pretty passive person, and I don’t like to provoke or make gestures to stupid drivers (even if I want to; I’m usually too slow anyway). This time, though, I gave him the finger and the “what the hell” arms-splayed thing. I crossed the street.
Then what? He turns around, comes up beside me on my street, and yells various things at me through the window over his vapidly-smiling girlfriend (or whatever) in the passenger seat. Yeah, riding through a public school crosswalk in your slightly souped-up blue Honda in the suburbs is really gangsta. Motherfucker.
At any rate, I’m glad it was nothing more than that – at least I didn’t really worry that he was going to actually come after me, or have a gun or something. Still. Some people are so stupid it astonishes me.
Anyway. Bigger and brighter things? Okay, not that bright due to nighttime lighting, but I finished a pair of Trekking socks. They’ve got a pretty short cuff compared to what I usually do, which leaves them looking a bit funny when flat:
But they’re good on the feet!
How about some pretty yarn? I just finished plying up some plain white merino, hopefully for a sweater! Each skein is 4 oz – the two on the left have been washed and are 360 yards each; the two on the right haven’t been washed yet. Haven’t figured out the yardage, either. I hope it’s enough…although maybe I should do up one more skein just to be sure. This has been a long term spinning project, so I’m happy to free up my bobbins!
Getting long here, so I’ll save some for tomorrow. I might be sleepy though – I’m getting up early (for me, at least) to go to St. Lawrence Market. Mmmm, yummies.
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