how to waste precious time

Yes, I have done some work today. Yes, I will study many hours after I write this.

It’s amazing how I can just throw away time. Last night, I worked for over an hour on a new layout for here (which isn’t working very well…it’ll have to wait until later in the week). Today I stared out the window for a full five minutes (maybe more) watching the snow fall, before it got a gloomy snowy. I also played with this icon maker and came up with this:

What do you think? It’s so difficult to make it look like me.

I do have a little knitting progress to report; mini-charlotte is getting some attention. I’m going to finish up this repeat (4 rows) then do one more repeat (16 rows) and that’ll be it. I also need to get to a bead store or Lewiscraft to get some proper sized beads for the castoff edge. Yum, Koigu is so squishy and nice to work with.

Presents still left to do:
Pasha #2, for sister #2 (I’ll have to make this one a hat or something…)
Finish scarf for dad
Finish capelet for mom
something for grandmother. possibly an eyeglasses case…or maybe just some pretty dishcloths.






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