happy new year!

How was your new year’s? Me, I made a delicious vegetarian moussaka for dinner, dipped homemade peppermint patties in chocolate for gifts, and hit up not just one but two parties! (Let’s ignore the fact that I only spent half an hour at each one.)

2011 seemed to be a bad year for a lot of people I know – and I had my share of ups and downs too. Focusing on the “ups” though, I got a great new apartment, a wonderful boyfriend, and I finished lots of great knits!

This one came off the needles way back in November, but I don’t think I ever blogged finished photos of it! I just love this cardigan. It’s knit out of Ultra Alpaca, and it’s a bit fuzzy after some wear but it’s sooo warm and cozy.

a sweater with bows

The pattern is my own, and will be coming out for sale soon! I have some big hopes and plans for 2012, and while lots of other people are doing the “12 sweaters in 2012” thing, I have a bit of a challenge set for myself – to design and release 12 sweater patterns in 2012!

a sweater with bows

I’m cheating a bit – some of the sweaters have already been knit up, and are nearly ready to be released anyway. But hey, the final few steps are the hard ones – photographing, editing, general tidying up before a pattern can be sent out into the world.

I’ve decided not to do this as a pattern club or anything, since I like the idea of being able to decide what you want to purchased based on each pattern alone. The other thing I’d like to do more of this year is blog, so I’ll be writing lots of posts along the way! (I hope.)

Anyway, I hope you all had a great holiday, and thanks for supporting me in 2011 – here’s to a bright new year!




13 responses to “happy new year!”

  1. Geri Avatar

    Wow! 12 patterns in 2012? That’s very ambitious. Good for you, Laura. I look forward to seeing them.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Beverly Avatar

    Your sweater is lovely! It looks warm and cozy. I think your goal of releasing 12 sweater patterns is awesome. I’m looking forward to seeing the designs and imagine I’ll probably buy a few. I didn’t think to set a design goal, but it’s a good idea. I’ll think on it! Happy New Year.

  3. Allison Avatar

    What a great goal! I might have to modify the list of possibilities I have planned for this year depending on what you release!

  4. Elizabeth Avatar

    12 sweater patterns in 12 months? I’m impressed (and exhausted just thinking about it!) Can’t wait to see.

  5. jackie conkling Avatar
    jackie conkling

    Hi Laura, :-) when will the Uxbridge shawl pattern be available?

  6. Maryse Avatar

    2012 will surely be a great year if Cosmicpluto releases 12 sweater patterns! Happy New Year!

  7. Erin Kate Avatar

    12 patterns! You’re crazy! Love the sweater. :)

  8. Dr Steph Avatar
    Dr Steph

    Happy new year. I look forward to seeing your twelve patterns.

  9. meg Avatar

    Happy New Year! I love your ambitious goal of designing 12 sweaters for 2012, even if some of them are in progress anyway. Can’t wait to see the results!

  10. rebecca Avatar

    I love reading your blog. I look forward to new posts showing up. I’m glad you’ll be keeping it up this year and I’m looking forward to the great photographs and patterns.

  11. Allison Avatar

    Happy new year! Here’s hoping that 2012 has more ups than downs :)

  12. Robin Avatar

    Happy New Year! I am looking forward to seeing more fantastic sweater patterns from you over the year.

  13. Megan Avatar

    SO CUTE! Can’t wait for the pattern!

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