
So. It’s February, arguably the most dreary month of the year, at least around these slush-covered parts. Lots of people are looking forward to the end of winter and coats, and to the prospect of a green world again.

Now, I love spring as much as the next person (gardening!), but I’m just not quite done with winter yet! I still have sweaters to knit!

Newly cast on – Lush and Lacy from SweaterBabe.

Lush and Lacy

Mmmm. I’m using the called-for Classic Elite Lush, funny enough – I had a bag in the stash. My gauge is a little smaller than the pattern calls for, but I can see this yarn stretching out quite a bit once it hits water or gets worn. So I’m pushing ahead. It’s going quickly, although I do wish the lace panel was charted (yeah, yeah, I’ll just do it myself). I’m almost to the armholes of the back now, but I’m putting it on hold for a bit (just two days after starting it!). With its lace and shorter sleeves, it can be a spring sweater.

I still have Silver Belle (Choco-belle!) left to knit, and this is a seriously winter sweater. So it’s back to cables city! I just did a major decrease row on the peplum, and have just a couple inches left to do on it. Then it’s onto the sleeves/fronts, which should go relatively faster.

choco-belle in action

Of course, I also have a lot of rather important deadline knitting to do. Can I finish this sweater before winter’s end? Well, it can always be a spring jacket…






5 responses to “February”

  1. Peacock Chic Avatar

    wow that lush and lacy cardigan is popping up all over the blogisphere. Makes me want to knit it even more!

  2. Missyecaj Avatar

    Wow, Lush really provides great stitch definition. Great stuff! Take heart in your wintry days-here in Houston it was 80 degrees F yesterday. Not much sweater weather. :(

  3. Miss Muffy Avatar

    I’m living vicariously through you ’cause I can’t knit sweaters that fast! I love both of these sweaters!

  4. Suzanne V. (Yarnhog) Avatar

    Oooh–love that Chocolate Belle! That one is two down on my list, but there’s no way I’ll get to it before spring, so it may wait until next fall.

    I’d love to hear more about Lush, especially how it blocks.

  5. Right Out Loud Avatar

    I’m also struggling to get some sweaters done before to gets too hot to wear them.

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