falling behind…can she make up the time?

I had a big test and a paper due this week (actually, the paper is due today and I’m still working on it) so very little progress has been made the last few days. But once this paper is done, I’ll be on reading week!

I was kniting away when I realized the sleeve really was way too big.

I kept thinking ‘what’s going on?!’ and then it finally dawned on me. I knew why it was too big – and it was a user error, not a pattern error. D’oh. I got a bit upset.

But I’m back on track, almost to where I ripped, with the correct number of stitches. And I hope to get a bunch done tonight at Snb!

That’s it for today. Like I said, hopefully I can make up for lost time…







8 responses to “falling behind…can she make up the time?”

  1. amy/squib Avatar

    oh, shite! i thought that was the body you were working on!

  2. Chris Avatar

    I so feel your pain – my sleeve had the same sort of user issues. I had to rip it out twice. I just couldn’t admit it to myself until about 7″ of sleeve were knit.

    Go go go go go go!

  3. Jen Avatar

    oh my sweet baby jebus. i had to do the same thing to my canada sock….way too small.

  4. maggieBB Avatar

    the restarted sleeve looks to be a much more reasonable size! :)

    best of luck making up the time! (and three cheers for reading week!)

  5. moody knitter Avatar
    moody knitter

    Here we GO!! (arms in the air)
    You can do it Cosmic chic! (back flip)
    Ripping out is okay!
    As long as you do it right away! (Cartwheel/round off)
    Yeah! (arms flailing in the air)
    [ I know, I know, don’t quit the day job. But I am just a lowly cheerleader is this Olympic thing]

  6. Jill Avatar

    God – look at the tangled mess on the floor – I would have lost my patience!

  7. Lisa Avatar

    Those colors are so yummy together. Your sweater ALMOST makes me want to try colorwork of some kind!

  8. Mary Avatar

    What a foookin’ drag! I had to rip out my project, as well, and start over. Then switch to bobbins……sigh. Your sleevette looked great–one last training run? Chin up!

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