I was all set to up photos today! Only when I looked for the camera, which is usually on my desk, it was not there. Why? Because my sister’s having a party and she took it…
At any rate, I’m having a slight panic over the remaining Christmas presents. I’m blocking my dad’s scarf, and I sewed up my mum’s capelet (you were right, Denny – there’s a lot of give but..) – I hope it fits. It fits me with some room, but I don’t really know if it will fit my mum!
Pasha is currently undergoing some surgery, and I *must* get it done tonight. I need to figure out something for the eyes! I really ought to have some beads around here that will work.
Oh, and I got a Christmas bonus today ;) Yum, YARN….GUILT-FREE YARN.
Pictures tomorrow, plus some stash enhancement!
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