Category: weaving

  • whoa, time warp

    How is it Sunday already? I swear it was just Wednesday. Despite a touch of ambivalence towards some of my projects, I’ve been fibre-ing up a storm around these parts. Knitting a top-down raglan cardigan along with my sweater class students: It might be a Christmas present, we shall see (I’m sorely behind on that, […]

  • strawberry season

    Friday I went strawberry picking with Dr. Steph and Denny and their kids, and it was so much fun! We went to Reesor Farm, not far at all, and pick your own sure is pretty cheap! We picked for about an hour, and I came away with 5kg (11 lbs.) for my very own. (Denny […]

  • a small update

    I’ve added a few more scarves to my Etsy shop! I’ll be back shortly with tales of…the greatest dress I have ever sewn. (How’s that for suspense?)