Can Canada Post do it?

I was just about to cast on for my first ChicKami (purchased, of course, from ChicKnits in some blue Bernat CottonTots when I realized that I don’t have a number 5 needle to do the ribbing – my Denise needle snapped last week and I’m still waiting for my replacement. I have high hopes that it will come in the mail tomorrow so I’ll have something easy and summery (as in, not a black ribbed cardigan) to knit at a party tomorrow night.

I also hope to get my package from Elann. The last box from them was shipped on Monday and got to my house on Friday, so I’m hoping it’s the same this time. Then I can start my Bella cardie from White Lies Designs.

I finished the skirt! I’ll get someone to take some pictures of it tomorrow night and send them to me, so I’ll have something to post. It fits well in the waist, and the eyelets are very pretty. The bottom eyelet portion does sort of a strange wavy thing, but it’s kind of growing on me. Pics soon!






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