august things

So. It’s September. I’ve been out of school for awhile now, but that ‘new year, new stuff’ feeling just lasts forever, doesn’t it? I spent the last bit of August working hard on the sweaters for the next Afternoon Tea photoshoot (which is very soon!), vacationing, eating, and generally lounging.

I have some spinning to do (fiber from Into the Whirled).

into the whirled

into the whirled

Knitting away – Indigodragonfly MCN Worsted in “Tiny Bloodsucking Dancer”, an awesome deep, hot pink! I’m really excited to share this sweater pattern with you soon.

deadline knitting

Boyfriend and I went to Halifax for vacation in the middle of August – no, we don’t have any family there, which seems to be the first thing people ask us! Nope, we just kind of chose a nice Canadian city that seemed like it would be relaxing. We saw everything, took lots of naps and looked at the water. I shot pretty much exclusively on film, despite taking my DSLR, and since I haven’t gotten the film developed yet I just have a few iphone shots to share for now.

public gardens

yarn shop!

seaport market, halifax

A funny story about Seaport Market, above – we went on Saturday for the farmer’s market, and then again on Tuesday because we were in the area and needed something to eat. There were two HUGE cruise ships docked there! One was a Saw-themed cruise (yes, the horror movie) and the other was Disney.



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5 responses to “august things”

  1. Meagan Avatar

    Who in their right mind goes on a Saw themed cruise?! People are into some pretty freaky stuff…

  2. brandi Avatar

    Love the stripes in the fiber at the top. I would definitely prefer a disney cruise to a saw themed one.

  3. Elisabeth Avatar

    Yay, glad you had an awesome time in my neck of the woods! A couple of my boyfriend’s very mature buddies were interviewed at a Saw event when that ship was in town. They were trying to get quoted saying “We love Saw because we love seeing people getting killed in horribly gruesome ways!” but the reporter said “Hey guys, so I can’t really put that in the paper, can we just go with ‘We really like the movies’?”

    Looks like you hit up some of the best places!

  4. Knittripps Avatar

    I’m looking forward to seeing your next collection! I am so ready for Fall!

  5. Mary K. in Rockport Avatar
    Mary K. in Rockport

    Belatedly (September!) commenting, hope you get this! I was surprised by the bandstand photo as it looks almost exactly like the one on the Common in Wakefield, Massachusetts (you can google it if you want to see) where I grew up. The railing around the bottom is different and has probably been replaced over the years. I wonder if there was a bandstand construction company who went around building identical bandstands once upon a time!

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