as promised

Tartan blocking. Sorry for the darkness, but I didn’t feel like setting up the shot better.

Notice that one piece is still missing, a front. I ran out of pins, so I’m blocking that right now. You know, hard blocking like this is so very trying – stretching everything out to size, getting it to stay there…but the pieces appear to fit together now! The armholes are the same depth, the sleeves are the same size, the cuffs fit around the sleeves!

But the ends! Dear god, the ends! I’m going to try and pick up some chocolate on my way downtown (belgian, milk chocolate) and sweet-talk Denny into weaving in my ends.

And I know I didn’t put up an FO picture for her, so here’s Bella.

I’m writing a thing about knitting and the web for jae’s zine. Any suggestions on helpful sites?






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