a little test-y

So I’ve got one big test (worth 30%) this afternoon, one tomorrow (worth 20%), and two assignments due at the beginning of next week (20% and 10%). Lovely. As you can imagine, I’m a bit stressed…and thus haven’t put together a Rhinebeck post yet. I might just post a few photos with not too much commentary, and then the ‘haul’ photos.

In the meanwhile Mel has lots of great photos and a complete blow-by-blow of our fantastic weekend.

I’ll get to it as soon as I can (probably tomorrow evening – no new grey’s or CSI, either) – soon, soon!







4 responses to “a little test-y”

  1. alison Avatar

    Good luck with your tests and assignments! (says the lady who should be doing schoolwork instead of reading blogs…)

  2. Julia Avatar

    Don’t worry about posting…concentrate on your tests and good luck!

  3. maryse Avatar

    good luck on the tests!

  4. Allison Avatar

    The midterm crunch can be a bitch! Good luck on all of your evaluations!!!!

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