a garden update

In lieu of knitting content, a garden (somewhat) update. These photos are from wayyyy back on Canada Day.


This pepper is way bigger now – I think the variety of this one is “Sweet Cherry”.


Rouge d’Hiver romaine that we had way too much of and consequently just chopped off and composted. It’s okay, it was just lettuce. I’d never throw away a tomato!


Lincoln (shelling) peas – they’re doing very well, I wish I’d planted a lot more. The pods are getting really fat now and I even harvested a few yesterday!

July 1/07

I’ll get some more photos today to show you all how far it’s all come in just two weeks!

In the meantime, I’m knitting away on a deadline piece, crocheting that skirt when I can, and working on patterns – I’ve got loads of faboo yarn on hold for myself at the store, and have told myself that I can buy it once I’m done the two patterns for sale I’m currently working on. So you can bet I’m working hard!







3 responses to “a garden update”

  1. LisaK Avatar

    Beautiful garden, but where are the weeds?!?

  2. Dr. Steph Avatar

    Don’t throw away the lettuce. Give it to me! I love fresh garden lettuce.

    I’ll be at LK on Wednesday ;)

  3. Melissa Avatar

    I am growing the same variety of pepper in my patio garden. Very hot! The more you harvest the more will grow in their place!

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