Month: July 2014

  • Very Monday

    I’ve finished the knitting on my deadline project, so I’m finally able to go back and pick up some projects that have been on the needles for way too long! Ah, the quick knit – some little handwarmers to match a hat that I finished awhile ago (patterns forthcoming). This lacy cardigan is so close […]

  • Garden Update, July 10

    The peas are dying off now, but we did manage to get a few snacks out of the spoils. Next year I’ll plan snap peas since you can eat the whole thing! I couldn’t wait any longer to pull the radishes, because the eggplant was looking mighty crowded – they were super tiny, only a […]

  • My First Landscape Design!

    My good friend (and fellow handbell ringer) Yvonne and her partner Jeremy have been renovating their house for ages, with rather too many setbacks, bad contractors, and overall headaches! So when Yvonne asked me if I’d be willing to help them design a new front yard, I was determined to actually do a good job […]