Month: September 2010

  • knit, rip, knit, rip, knit

    Forward momentum on my Rhinebeck sweater! It features a short row hem, pockets with linen stitch linings, knit in bands and buttonholes. And in the back, a spot for some fun ribbon! It’s taken way longer than it should’ve on this sweater body – by the amount of knitting I should be done already. But […]

  • new and improved, kinda

    So this week I decided it was time to just bite the bullet and buy myself a new camera body! I love the lenses I use (Sigma 30mm f/1.4 and 17-70mm f/2.8-something) but I felt like it was time for a body upgrade. The body I was using, a d40, has been discontinued for awhile […]

  • Lutherie

    Don’t worry, it doesn’t actually look like this in Toronto right now – I took these photos way back at the tail end of last winter! Then I decided since the warmer weather was coming, I’d sit on the pattern for a little awhile. It’s the perfect time to knit one of these up now. […]